Top 10 Strongest Heroes In One Punch Man
One-Punch Man is one of the best superhero manga of all time. The story is based on ONE’s webcomic and the manga is drawn by Yusuke Murata. The series is filled with heroes and demons and we are going to rank the strongest heroes from it.
Warning: Manga Spoilers
10. Metal Bat
Hero Rank: S-class 15
Special Ability: Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Strength, Fighting Spirit

On number 10 we have “Bad” better known by his hero alias as “Metal Bat”, who is the S-Class Rank 15 professional hero of the Hero Association. As shown by his hero name he fights with a metal bat. Metal Bat possesses immense physical strength and has taken out many powerful monsters and villains with a single swing of his bat, including two Demon-level monsters
During the Garou arc we get to watch his abilities for the first time he was able to kill two monsters in less than a second, and during his fight with Garou tho initially it looked like the metal bat was of no match later it was revealed that Garou had that weird sensation after getting in contact with his bat, and if was not for bad’s little sister he would have defeated Garou.
9. Genos/Demon Cyborg
Special Ability: Full Cyborg Weaponry, Flight, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Energy Projection, Self-Destruction, Highly Skilled and Strategic Combatant,
Hero Rank: S-class 14

On number 9 we have 19-year-old Genos who is a cyborg and the disciple of Saitama. He is always aiming to become more powerful and he fights for justice. Under the Hero Association, he is given the name Demon Cyborg and is currently S-Class Rank 14. He was the first person who acknowledge how strong Saitama is when Saitama effortlessly defeated miss mosquito.
Thanks to his cyborg physiology and experience, Genos is one of the most proficient fighters in the series. Genos can utilize his various enhancements to distract opponents and calculate how powerful they are, as well as the exact amount of power he’ll need for battle, Genos has a blend of both close and long-range depending on what he prefers. His ability to upgrade himself makes him strong enough to be on the list
8. SuperAlloy Darkshine
Special Ability: Superhuman Physical Prowess, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Hero Rank: S-class 11

Superalloy Darkshine is the S-Class Rank 11 professional hero of the Hero Association. Superalloy Darkshine is a very tall and extremely muscular man. His skin has a dark complexion and gives off a lustrous shine. His defense is stated to be number one in the hero world. According to Darkshine himself, despite his enormous strength, he doesn’t even know of a way to hurt his own body due to how durable it is.
Against the Demon-level monster Bug God, Darkshine was able to effortlessly sustain attacks from the monster both before and after it transformed. He is durable enough to withstand attacks from Dragon-level monsters, such as Garou before the Hero Hunter started evolving again. Darkshine defeated Carnage Kabuto a dragon-level monster in Carnage Mode after only fifteen minutes, although it required Superalloy Darkshine to use his maximum power to finally finish him.
7. Metal Knight
Special Ability: Genius Intellect,
Hero Rank: S-class 6

Dr. Bofoi also known as Metal Knight, is the S-Class Rank 6 hero of the Hero Association. He offers many services for the Hero Association such as weapons sponsorships and facility construction. He uses various remotely controlled robots for his missions and experiments that are equipped for the occasion. He got to that 6th rank due to his brainpower and the strength of his weapons, as opposed to his physical strength.
According to Gyoro Gyoro(meat puppet of Psykos), he is one of the four heroes that could beat Elder Centipede. It is noted by Phoenix Man that the full extent of Bofoi’s military might and weaponry is unknown, even to the Hero Association, which is why they fear his potential betrayal, as he would pose a huge threat.
6. Kamikaze/ Atomic Samurai
Special Ability: Immense Speed and Reflexes, Atomic Slash, Atomic Beeline Slash
Hero Rank: S-class 4

Next on the list is Kamikaze is better known for his hero alias Atomic Samurai, is the S-Class Rank 4 professional hero of the Hero Association, and is recognized as one of its most powerful heroes.
Atomic Samurai has a rather prideful, condescending, and jocular personality,
While wielding the Sun Blade, for a very limited time, Atomic Samurai is powerful enough to slice off one of Homeless Emperor’s largest energy spheres to pieces and even cut Golden Sperm’s arm off, overpowering two of the strongest members of the Monster Association.
5. Flashy Flash
Special Ability: Superhuman Speed and Agility, Master Swordsman, Ninjutsu Master, Afterimage Creation
Hero Rank: S-class 13

Flashy Flash is the S-Class Rank 13 professional hero of the Hero Association. He is a former member of the Ninja Village’s 44th Graduation Class, nicknamed The End. In terms of speed, he is arguably the fastest S-Class hero in the association, though he is inferior to Blast, the top-ranked S-Class hero, Flashy Flash is one of the few heroes who doesn’t fear Tatsumaki, talking back to her after she insulted him, stating that she stole his kill against the Hundred-Eyes Octopus, and even went as far as to say that she is not actually stronger than him.
Flashy Flash is also one of the few S-Class heroes capable of defeating multiple Dragon-level monsters singlehandedly, as demonstrated when he was able to defeat Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind, two powerful Dragon-level threats without suffering any serious injury or visible fatigue, although he needed to use his finishing move to eliminate them.
4. Silver Fang
Special Ability: Superhuman Physical Prowess, Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Exploding Heart Release Fist
Hero Rank: S-class 3

Bang, also known by his hero alias Silver Fang is a professional hero, a martial arts master, and the creator and teacher of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. He is the 3rd highest ranked S-Class hero of the Hero Association.
He is known as an idol and treasure of martial arts, almost being like a god in the martial arts world, and thus one of the most skilled and powerful martial artists in the world, even though he is past his physical prime. In the Garou arc where most of the S class heroes were unable to keep up with Garou, Bang faced Garou and defeated him in his normal form, and later on, he was on par with Garou’s hybrid demon form though he had to use exploding heart fist.
3. Tatsumaki/ Tornado of Terror
Special Ability: Psychokinesis, Psychic Barriers,
Hero Rank: S-class 2

Tatsumaki (Tornado of Terror) is the S-Class Rank 2 professional hero of the Hero Association. She is recognized as one of the Hero Association’s most powerful heroes. Tatsumaki is a petite woman, commonly mistaken for being much younger than she really is.
Her abilities are so great that many people believe that there exists no being that can defeat her with conventional methods and the world treats her as the association’s ultimate weapon, Her psychic abilities are powerful enough to withstand Psykos increasing the gravity by 300 times. At full power, she was able to lift the entire Monster Association Headquarters out of the ground while simultaneously shielding multiple other heroes inside the facility, Her knowledge about psychic powers is also as vast as her skill in wielding them. Instead of relying purely on brute force, Tatsumaki has demonstrated the ability to strategize by creating a dummy of herself to distract Psykos while flying discretely beneath Psykos to target a weak point.
2. Blast
Special Ability: Immense Speed and Reflexes, Dimensional travel, unknown
Hero Rank: S-class 1

Blast is the S-Class Rank 1 professional hero of the Hero Association. He is largely suggested to be the Hero Association’s most powerful hero. He currently appears to be going to various places to collect the Mysterious Cubes, which according to him are some kind of transmitter to contact God.
Though there is not much information about Blast, his fight against Elder Centipede, saving Tatsumaki from a hybrid monster 18 years ago, and his display of speed against flashy flash, are more than enough evidence to say that Blast is the strongest S class hero.
1. Saitama
Special Ability: Immense Speed and Reflexes, Atomic Slash, Atomic Beeline Slash
Hero Rank: B-class 7

Saitama is the main protagonist of the series and the titular One-Punch Man. He is the most powerful being to exist in the series. Saitama faces a self-imposed existential crisis, as he is now too powerful to gain any thrill from battle, Saitama is an ordinary-looking bald man with a thin but well-built physique.
Saitama is the strongest, fastest, and most durable character in the series. So far, no enemy has been able to injure him in any way, and almost no enemy has been able to survive a single earnest punch from him. A few enemies have survived punches from him, such as any human he has struck (whom he restrains himself against) and Boros. He actually revealed the reason behind his inhumane strength According to Saitama, after a year and a half of 100 daily push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, plus 10 km daily running, he had achieved some level of superhuman strength.
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