One Piece: Strongest Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits Ranked
Mythical Zoans are the rarest devil fruit type in One Piece. The users get the usual Zoan devil fruit powers and also a mythical ability in addition to that. They are mostly based on existing mythology but are not limited to that. So far there are 8 devil fruits introduced in this category.
Huge Manga Spoilers ahead!!
8. Onimaru’s Onyudo Devil Fruit
Full Name: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Onyudo

Onimaru is a fox that was once the companion of the late daimyo, Shimotsuki Ushimaru. He later joined Kawamatsu in collecting swords for the battle against Kaido and also protecting them from robbers.
Onimaru’s Devil fruit is a human Devil Fruit of the model, Onyudo. Onyudo is a full monk Yokai in Japanese mythology. It is similar to Chopper’s devil fruit as it doesn’t seem to grant the user any mythical ability. Onimaru can talk like humans and have the intelligence of humans but doesn’t have any superpowers. Hence it is ranked last as it will be useless for humans.
7. Luffy’s Nika Devil Fruit
Full Name: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika

Nika Devil Fruit, previously known as Gomu Gomu no Mi gives the user the properties of Rubber. Devil Fruit was basically useless for Luffy when he gained it. Unlike other devil fruits in the list, it doesn’t give any great ability that can be used in combat without practice. It took great practice to get a hold of the ability and only people with great imagination and skill can use it to full strength.
One may argue it should be placed higher based on Luffy’s growth and its awakening but that relies a lot on Luffy. It doesn’t provide great power to an ordinary user and would be just an ordinary devil fruit like how it was seen during Luffy’s childhood.
6. Devon’s Kitsune Devil Fruit
Full Name: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune

In Japanese mythology, Kitsune are nine-tailed foxes that can shapeshift into human form and also possess paranormal abilities. In One Piece, so far we have seen this ability be used to shapeshift into a human form. The full power is not known yet as we saw Devon using it for only a few panels. But one could assume that it has more strength to it when we fully explore them.
5. Sengoku’s Buddha Devil Fruit
Full Name: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Onyudo

Human Devil fruit, Model: Daibutsu, is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allowed Sengoku to turn into a Daibutsu (a huge gold Buddha) at command. Sengoku managed to become a Fleet Admiral with this Devil Fruit.
We still don’t know the full strength of the devil fruit. So far only two techniques are used by Sengoku. He created an impact wave that managed to damage a large group of enemies. It is enough to hurt many Blackbeard pirates at once. Another technique is a punch he used against Luffy which destroyed the scaffold itself.
This devil fruit could be higher if we see the full scope of its power.
4. Orochi’s Yamato No Orochi Devil Fruit
Full Name: Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi

In Japanese mythology, Yamata no Orochi is a famous eight-headed and eight-tailed serpent known to enjoy alcohol and eat human flesh. Similarly, in One Piece, the person who eats this devil fruit grants the user eight separate heads and also allows them to survive decapitation.
Higurashi gave this devil fruit to Orochi saying it will grant him the power to become the Shogun. Orochi is one of the worst fighters in the verse and hence the full capability of this devil fruit is unknown. Even still, it helped him survive Kaido’s attack which not a lot of people in the universe can do.
3. Yamato’s Makami Devil Fruit
Full Name: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami

Makami Devil Fruit is based on Japanese mythology which allows the user to transform into an ancient wolf deity. Makami is considered to be the “Guardian Deity of Wano”. Since it is a carnivorous zoan, we can assume the user’s physical abilities are greatly enhanced.
It also provides the user with a mythical ability to produce cold and ice, which Yamato expel as blasts from their mouth. There are other techniques such as coating themselves with Ice coating which was even used to tackle even Kaido’s attack.
2. Marco’s Phoenix Devil Fruit
Full Name: Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix

Marco’s Devil Fruit is based on the famous mythical creature, Phoenix. It grants the user the ability to fly and grants them blue flames that add great regeneration ability. Marco was able to fight both Queen and King at the same time and even Kizaru’s light attacks were ineffective against him.
Marco even overpowered Prometheus, a homie Big Mom made out of her own soul. Marco could hold against several top tiers at different instances just by using his devil fruit. It also grants the user immense healing powers not just for themselves but also for other people. Phoenix Devil fruit is one of the coolest ones and also one of the strongest devil fruit.
1. Kaido’s Seiryu Devil Fruit
Full Name: Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu

Kaido’s Seiryu devil fruit allows Kaido to turn into a huge dragon. Kaido has been built up as the Strongest Creature in the verse and it feels like Kaido’s Devil Fruit also fits that point. Kaido’s Devil fruit is legendary as stated by Big Mom and even World Government tried to recreate his devil fruit.
Kaido can manipulate weather and his devil fruit basically acts as a Natural Disaster. Kaido’s scales are almost impossible to cut without Conquerors Haki. Kaido has various attacks in his arsenal such as Boro breath, Kaifu, Tatsumaki, etc. Based on actual power usage and also showing of Kaido, it is safe to say that it is the strongest mythical zoan in the series.
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