One Piece is one of the best manga of all time. The story is written and drawn by Eichiro Oda. Spanning more than 1000 chapters, it has so many iconic panels. I have chosen the top 50 panels in my opinion. It is a tricky task but I hope you will find it interesting.
50. Ashura

Ashura is a technique that Zoro first used against Kaku in Enies Lobby. It was out of nowhere and still to date, it is inexplicable. Is it literal figures? or just visual mirage? Ashura still remains Zoro’s most impressive technique still to date.
49. To The Grandline

After escaping Loguetown and before entering Grandline, each Strawhats make an oath declaring their dreams. This is still one of the most iconic moments in the series. Seeing each Strawhats declare their dreams was truly inspiring and cathartic.
48. Sanji Vs Enel

47. Luffy Meets Blackbeard In Impel Down

46. Luffy Cries After Usopp Battle

45. Kaido Defeats Luffy

44. Gear 4

43. Luffy, Law And Kidd

42. Luffy Breakdown After Defeat In Sabaody

41. Legend Begins

40. Luffy’s Dialogue To Sanji

39. Sanji Vs Luffy

38. Kaido Defeat Luffy By CP0 Interference

37. Sanji Standing In A Table Above Germa

36. Roger’s Bounty

35. Usopp’s Declaration

34. Zoro’s Declaration

33. Ace’s Father Reveal

32. Luffy Uses COC In His Attacks vs Kaido

31. Impel Down Alliance

30. Sanji As Soldier Of Science

29. Luffy Stands Up Against Lucci

28. Supernova Trio In Wano

27. Gear 5 Reveal

26. Wano Introduction

25. Giant Luffy In Gear 5

24. Katakuri Defeat

23. Shanks Stops The War

22. Luffy Declaration Against Kaido and Big Mom

21. Oden Lifting Scabbards

20. Help Me

19. Luffy Unconscious After Ace’s Death

18. Good Bye To Vivi

17. I Still Have My Nakama

16. Crocodile Defeats Luffy

15. Kaido’s Introduction

14. Gear 2

Gears are one of the most iconic powerups in Anime and Gear 2 is only rivaled by the Gear 5 reveal. It was hype and epic when it was first introduced. Till then Luffy’s fighting style didn’t have any powerup so it was amazing to see Luffy getting something after 100s of chapters.
13. Nothing Happened

At the end of the thriller bark arc, Zoro had no choice but to offer himself to save Luffy and the crew. Seeing Zoro’s determination, Kuma offered to not take Luffy to the Marines but in exchange asked Zoro to experience all of Luffy’s pain. Even after experiencing all of the pain, Zoro didn’t reveal anything but just said that nothing happened.
12. Luffy Shadow In Skypiea

This is the final end of the Skypiea arc where Luffy rings the bell that is said to not exist anywhere. In Jaya arc, Montblanc Cricket was searching for Golden Bell with no success. Luffy once he reached Skypiea wanted to ring it so that Cricket can hear it from below and it was drawn magnificently.
11. I Want To Live

Luffy and Strawhats take on the entire World government to save a single member, Robin. Robin who tried to sacrifice herself for the sake of others has a change of heart after realizing that it is alright to live and rely on friends. And she finally says this iconic line in front of the Strawhats.
10. Luffy vs Usopp

Usopp is the most humane character of the crew and in Water 7, his insecurities were slowly built up to reach this moment. The reason for the fight was so realistic too and not forced for the sake of it. Two Strawhats having a fight among themselves is something that no one predicted.
9. Strawhats Assemble in Enies Lobby

World Government is the organization that basically rules the world. Defying it means making the World itself one’s enemy but Strawhats do it to basically save just one friend. And this moment is the culmination of that with each Strawhats assembling against CP9 to save Robin.
8. Luffy vs 3 Admirals

Luffy going against three Admirals in the Marineford arc still remains one of the most hype moments in the series. We know that Luffy is nowhere near their level and yet without giving up and literally spending up his lifespan, he goes up against the three admirals to save Ace.
7. Luffy Punching A Celestial Dragon

Luffy punching the Celestial Dragon is one of the most iconic punches in Manga. The buildup to this moment made the final punch so satisfying. Oda made the Celestial Dragons in Saboady Archipelago as despicable as possible and everyone feels a sense of satisfaction seeing this finally happen.
6. Ace’s Death

Ace’s death is still one of the most unexpected things that happened in the series even though the whole arc is about killing him. It is rare for One Piece to kill characters and it was so shocking to see Ace of all people die. Also, it is thematically perfectly that it is Akainu who embodies authoritarianism and is the one who did it, and that too in front of Luffy.
5. Whitebeard’s Death

Marineford has so many great panels and Whitebeard’s final moment is truly iconic in every aspect. Whitebeard dying standing and the narrator talking about his great achievements made this panel one of the best in the series.
4. Nika Reveal

Nika is a mythical figure within One Piece who gains the body of a rubber and they are only limited by their imagination. When it is teased that the Devil fruit type will be changed, there was a lot of fear about how it will turn out. But Oda managed to pull it off amazingly in a way that it fits thematically and also does not retcon major things about the powers of the fruit. There are a few things that don’t add up narratively but the reveal is worth it in exchange.
3. A Man’s Dream Never Ends

One Piece’s core theme is Dreams. The whole segment of Luffy letting Bellamy hit him because he disrespected the idea of having dreams and Blackbeard reaffirming that people’s dreams will never end is one of the best moments in the series.
Also when it was later that Blackbeard will be the primary antagonist of the series, the moment became even better in retrospect.
2. Ace Final Moments

Marineford is one of the best Manga arcs of all time and Ace’s death is the main reason for it. It was so unexpected to see a character that important like Ace die in One Piece. Seeing Ace die hugging Luffy and Ace reminiscing about his past makes this one of the saddest moments in Anime itself.
1. Roger Laughed

It is difficult to explain why a guy laughing is one of the most iconic moments I have experienced in fiction. This moment is a result of building up the mystery over the course of several years and finally having a sense of achievement to the readers.
Even though so many theorized about what is there on the island before actually experiencing it, no one actually expected Roger to laugh but it fits perfectly with the story One Piece tells.
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