One Piece Top Mysteries: List Of All Unsolved Mysteries In The Series.
With a rich world and an amazing story, One Piece is filled with several unsolved mysteries. There are some really important mysteries and some minor ones that are easy to forget. I tried to compile all the unsolved mysteries that I found in the series so far.
I haven’t included the power level of characters (Shanks, Mihawk, Imu, etc) as a mystery otherwise this list will be filled with just that. Also, mysteries raising from speculations or headcanons aren’t included. For example, mysteries like Blackbeard’s third devil fruit. Only the mysteries mentioned or implied in the series are included.
I have also noted whether the mystery will be solved or not as following
Will be solved:
Yes: Mystery will be solved definitely.
Maybe: Mystery may be solved, but won’t affect the story if it doesn’t.
Unlikely: Mystery just adds to the World Building/ Mystery doesn’t add to the story.
1. One Piece
Will be solved: Yes

One Piece is the ultimate treasure the pirates are searching for. There have been several clues throughout the series but still, there isn’t an explicit clue yet. There are several sub mysteries with One Piece. Is it a tangible treasure? How do the Ancient weapons and Will of “D” tie into the One Piece? Who is JoyBoy? Why did Roger laugh on seeing it? What is the Void Century?.
Our theory of “What is One Piece?” is here.
2. Void Century
Will be solved: Yes

The Void Century is a 100-year gap in history that is unknown and the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. The events that occurred 900 to 800 years above the current timeline are referred to as the Void Century. What did happen at that time that World Government forbids any research about it? It seems some people like “Nefertari Cobra” knew that there is a void century in history. But what exactly happened in that period is a mystery to almost everyone.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
- The end of the Void Century marked the raise of the World Government and the destruction of the Ancient Kingdom.
- The information about Void Century is inscribed in the Poneglyphs created by the Kozuki clan from Wano.
- Roger Pirates learned the history during their journey.
3. Ancient Kingdom
Will be solved: Yes

The Ancient Kingdom is a prosperous country that thrived until the void century when it was overthrown by the World Government. The discovery of the kingdom’s ideals and history poses a threat to World Government and hence they forbid any research into this.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
It seems the name of this Ancient Kingdom is very significant as Clover is executed before he could say it. D Clan and JoyBoy may be the members of this kingdom (Implied but not confirmed yet).
4. Will of D/ D Clan
Will be solved: Yes

Some people have D as their initial that is passed down the generations. Even the people who have “D” as their initial aren’t aware of the meaning of it. Even giants have this initial “D” implying that “D” is more than just the human bloodline. There are several mysteries related to the “D” clan. Who are the D clan? What is the “Will of D”? Why does the World Government afraid of them?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
- Corazon stated that “D” are natural enemies of Celestial Dragons.
- Some families like Trafalgar hide the initial for some unknown reasons.
- One Piece and Will of D have a strong connection based on Whitebeard’s final words.
5. JoyBoy
Will be solved: Yes

Initially, Joyboy is mentioned in Fishman Island when Nico Robin reads his apology to Mermaid Princess in the Void Century. Then Roger mentions him when he found the One Piece. Later Oden mentioned that Wano has to open its border in anticipation of the arrival of Joyboy. As of now, we don’t know who is Joyboy mentioned in the Poneglyph. Also, we aren’t sure whether Joyboy is a title or an actual person.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
- Joyboy apologizes to the Mermaid princess as he failed to deliver the promise made.
- Roger mentioned that he would have loved to live during Joyboy’s era.
- Kaido is disappointed at Luffy and noted that Luffy couldn’t be Joyboy either.
6. Ancient weapons
Will be solved: Yes

Ancient weapons have mass destruction powers and World Government forbids research into those. What is the purpose of Ancient Weapons? Roger after finding One Piece realized that he was too early as Shirahoshi wasn’t born yet. How does the treasure One Piece tie with the Ancient Weapons?
7. Why will there be a War after finding One Piece?
Will be solved: Yes

Whitebeard in his final words said that once the treasure “One Piece” is found, there will be a massive war. Oden too mentioned that there will be a massive war in the future. Oden also mentioned that the war will be 20 years from his time which is the current time in the story. Ancient weapons are necessary for this war since Shirahoshi’s unavailability is the reason Roger felt he was too early. The biggest question is how does finding One Piece lead to a massive war.
8. Dawn of the World
Will be solved: Yes

Dawn is an event Mink and Kozuki clan are waiting for for a long time. Though we don’t exactly know what Dawn is, it involves One Piece.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
The event is most likely informed by Oden to the Minks and Kozuki after learning about it in LaughTale.
9. What is All Blue?
Will be solved: Yes

All Blue is the place where the seas of North Blue, South Blue, East Blue, and West Blue meet. Finding All Blue is the dream of both Zeff and Sanji. All Blue is actually not really talked about at all throughout the series considering Sanji has to find it by the end of the journey.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
There is this most famous theory that “One Piece” results in the destruction of the Red Line that creates the All Blue. All Blue is most likely related to One Piece itself.
10. What happened to Gin?
Will be solved: Unlikely

In chapter 67 of the Baratie arc, Gin said that he hopes to cross paths with Luffy in Grandline. More than 900 chapters later, we still haven’t seen Gin in the story. The mystery is when will we see him again.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
I think this isn’t that big of a mystery when you look at the chapter closely but I have seen a lot of people expect Gin to appear soon, so I included it in this list. The thing is Gin himself stated that he only had a few hours to live. It is more likely that he died and we may never see him in the series.

11. Secret of Hiruluk’s Cherry Blossoms/ Does Panacea exists?
Will be solved: Maybe

In his early days, Hiruluk suffered from a fatal illness that is said to be incurable but miraculously recovered. He traveled in search of a cure, visiting various doctors but none could cure him. But after visiting a mountain of cherry blossoms in a land in the west, he inexplicably gets cured. Hiruluk believed that Cherry trees saved him and hence he wanted to replicate them in Drum Island to cure people’s hearts. The unsolved mystery here – “Does Sakura Trees really have magical powers or Did Hiruluk mistake the reasoning behind his cure“.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Cherry Blossoms are very rare in One Piece. There are only three instances where we see Cherry Blossoms as far as I remember: Hiruluk’s flashback, WhiteBeard-Roger flashback, Wano. So the trees that Hiruluk saw may indeed possess some medicinal values as these seem to be rare. I fully expect to get some sort of ending to this mini mystery by end of the series.
12. Objects Eating Devil Fruits.
Will be solved: Maybe

We have four canon inanimate devil fruits in the series so far: FunkFreed, Lassoo, Tama’s Teapot, and Smiley. It is still a mystery as to how they are created. How does an inanimate object eat devil fruit and it doesn’t make any sense even for the strange fantasy world of One Piece. Ceasar explained that he made Smiley by condensing the H2S gas and feeding it a devil fruit. But he doesn’t say how the gas ate the fruit.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
I couldn’t find any clues from the series for this. My guess is that some sort of human sacrifice will be needed to achieve this.
13. Where is Emerald City?
Will be solved: Maybe

Bellamy mentions three things as mere fantasy treasures and proclaimed that they don’t exist. They are The City of Gold, One Piece, and Emerald City. He also implied that a lot of pirates search for these. We know for a fact that the City of Gold and One Piece exist. But we still haven’t heard about Emerald city yet in the series yet.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
- Emerald city is from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Elbaf is based on the Fable series. Hence Emerald city may be from Elbaf.
- Another option is that God Valley may be the Emerald City. God Valley Island’s design is similar to Emerald City from Wizard of Oz.
14. Miss Goldenweek Colour Power
Will be solved: Unlikely

Miss Goldenweek from Baroque Works uses Color Traps by which she can change the opponent’s personality and can control their behavior. Almost every power can be explained as Haki or Devil Fruits or some physics concept but her powers remain mysterious.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
I think this power will remain mysterious as it is something similar to Jango’s hypnosis.
15. Location of Captain John’s Treasure
Will be solved: Maybe

Next to One Piece, this is probably the most famous Treasure we know of in the One Piece World. But we don’t know where it is located. Buggy was searching for that treasure on a skull-shaped island which was similar to the later introduced “Fullalead” island. Also, Captain John is even a part of the famous Rocks Pirates and that adds to the mystery even more.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Buggy has the armband that supposedly has the location of his treasure. So Buggy may be the key in unlocking this mystery.
16. Moon/Automata
Will be solved: Maybe

Enel went to Moon and his adventure on the moon leads to several mysteries. Why is there an advanced city on the moon in an idle state? Why are there pirates even in space? How did Automata travel to the moon from earth? Why do automata in the earth from Katakuri Island and automata from the moon share the same appearance?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Enel’s cover story is definitely the most mysterious one in the series. The things shown in the cover story implies some important points. For example, the concept of pirates exiting in space that isn’t under world government.
We get to know Brikans moved to earth after the moon run out of resources. I feel that Strawhats will probably go to the moon during their adventure or the moon will tie into the main story in some way.
17. Mystery Person With Crocus in Cover Story
Will be solved: Yes

This mystery person on the cover story shares a drink with Crocus. This is a canon cover and Oda took care to not reveal who the character is. This person has the traditional Wano design. But even in the Wano arc, we still haven’t met this person.
18. Luffy’s Mom
Will be solved: Maybe
Even after 1000 chapters we still haven’t gotten any clue about Luffy’s mom. But it makes sense that she isn’t introduced yet. Luffy won’t care about his mom and the revelation won’t add anything to his character. If Oda indeed wants to introduce Luffy’s mom it will during Dragon’s plotline.
19. Giant Shadows In Florian Triangle
Will be solved: Unlikely

These giant shadows are supposedly the reason for the mysterious disappearance of the ships in the Florian Triangle that has been happening even before Thriller Bark ship arrived there. They are several times larger than the largest ship in the world, Thriller Bark.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
With creatures like Zunisha existing in the One Piece world, it is highly likely that there are other large elephants or other large animals in other species.
20. Everything about Vegapunk
Will be solved: Yes

Everything about Vegapunk is a mystery. He developed Pacifista, created artificial devil fruits, discovered lineage factors, etc. He has so many achievements and every time he is mentioned, it just raises more questions.
Who is he exactly and why he is so intelligent? Why did he help accept Kuma’s wish? What is his true motive?
Vegapunk will definitely make an appearance in the near future.
21. Monkey D. Dragon’s Motive
Will be solved: Yes

Like Vegapunk, Dragon is another one of the most mysterious characters in the One Piece world. Unlike Garp and Luffy, he is strategic and intelligent and managed to create an entire organization to topple the world government.
Why would Dragon, son of a marine decide to create a revolutionary army? Did he learn about the Void century? There has to be a big driving factor behind his action and it still remains unexplored.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
We know Garp doesn’t like the Celestial Dragons and openly says it, which is rare for a marine. Luffy has the will to challenge the World Government to retrieve a single friend. So it makes complete sense that someone like Dragon who seems more intelligent than them will actually do something to topple the WG regime. The exact moment when he decides to do this is yet to be seen. Maybe Luffy’s mom is involved in some way.
22. Multiple Moons
Will be solved: Unlikely

Throughout the series, we have seen only one moon in the sky and Enel even explored it. But in the Library of Ohara, there is a globe of One Piece with six moons. Where did other moons go? Is the globe wrong?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Archeologists in Ohara are one of the most intelligent groups in the series. They even learned knowledge about the Ancient Kingdom. So it is highly likely that the globe is actually a hoax and there has to be a meaning to it.
23. Mysterious Object Sucking Capone Bege Ship
Will be solved: Unlikely

In an unknown part of the New World, Capone Bege’s ship suddenly floated and sucked into a giant object.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
This event is likely to emphasize how chaotic and unpredictable the New World is.
24. Crocodile’s Secret
Will be solved: Maybe
It was surprising to see Crocodile, who is a badass, ruthless, stoic character actually sweat on hearing Ivankov’s threat. It is one of the most famous mysteries in the series. What secret does Ivankov have that frustrates Crocodile so much?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
There is no real clue for this in the show. But the most common speculation of Crocodile being a woman in his younger days is famous though I don’t think it is the reason.
25. Blackbeard eating Two Devil Fruits/ His Weird body
Will be solved: Yes

Blackbeard stole Whitebeard’s Devil fruit’s power after his death by an unknown method. Blackbeard covered Whitebeard’s body with a black cloak and went inside it to acquire the power. Later Marco explained that Blackbeard has an abnormal body and that is the reason why he can have two devil fruit powers. How does Blackbeard able to eat two devil fruits? Why is his body considered abnormal?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
In Enies Lobby, the working of devil fruit is explained. When a devil fruit is consumed, an actual devil actually lives in the user and when another fruit is consumed they fight and hence the body of the user explodes. So maybe Blackbeard has two different souls/persons within him.
26. How do Blackbeard Pirates Steal Devil Fruits?
Will be solved: Yes

We know Blackbeard pirates steal devil fruits and acquire them. Blackbeard and Shiryu stole devil fruits while Burgess was trying to steal Mero Mero no mi in the Dressrosa arc. How do they steal them? Is it achievable by anyone or only possible due to Blackbeard?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Jesus Burgess carries a small knife and a bag when he was trying to steal the devil fruit from Luffy. Why do you need a knife unless to carve out something? Maybe to carve the “heart” of the user.
27. Purpose of Tequila Wolf
Will be solved: Yes

World Government has been building a bridge named Tequila Wolf for over 700 years. The government uses slaves to build and it is supposedly done to connect all the islands.
We initially find that Tequila Wolf is in East Blue when Nico Robin is dispersed by Kuma, and then in Oden’s flashback, they are shown to be in Grandline too. How does Tequila Wolf is built at Redline?
What is the actual purpose of it considering the process started after the void century is over when the World Government came to power?
28. Why is Bonney important to WG?
Will be solved: Yes

Akainu mentioned that he was afraid after learning that Bonney ran away from the World Government. Bonney clearly has some relationship with World Government and also with Kuma. The unresolved mystery is that why is Bonney important to World Government.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Bonney’s devil fruit is very interesting in that it can reverse the age of another person. Maybe her fruit has something to do with her importance. She may be a royal of the Sorbet Kingdom and her unknown connection with Kuma is the reason she is important.
29. Bonney’s connection with Kuma
Will be solved: Yes

Bonney cried on seeing the battle in Marineford which we can presume is due to Kuma’s condition. During Reverie, she infiltrated Mariejois only to see Kuma’s current condition and started crying. Also, her title card referred to her as Queen Dwoger of Sorbet Kingdom. Also, Kuma is introduced as the former king of Sorbet Kingdom.
30. Why will Luffy destroy Fishman Island?
Will be solved: Yes

Shyarly made a prediction that a man wearing a Strawhat will destroy Fishman Island. She believed that Luffy will destroy the island. Though it didn’t happen immediately it will definitely happen as her prophecies are never wrong. There are a couple of mysteries from this. Why will Luffy destroy the island? Is the person really Luffy since prophecy mentioned only a man with a Strawhat? This will most likely be resolved along with other endgame mysteries.
31. Who is Weevil?
Will be solved: Yes

Weevil is the self-proclaimed son of Whitebeard with his strength similar to young Whitebeard. Though Bakin says that Weevil is the son of Whitebeard, we can assume that it is a lie. Bakin is clearly manipulating him to gain power and money. So the question is who is Weevil actually? Is he even Bakin’s son? Why does physical appearance have so many stitches?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
- We know Bakin and Whitebeard are members of the same pirate group.
- Weevil has many stitches similar to the zombies in Thriller Bark. It implies that Weevil’s physical structure has some artificial changes and he has been made to look like Whitebeard.
One Piece Arcs Ranked From Worst To Best
32. Treasure in Mariejois
Will be solved: Yes

Doflamingo knows about the mysterious treasure in Mariejois that the knowledge of it will shake the world. Doflamingo had so much leverage over the World Government just because he knew about the treasure. He also mentioned that Ope Ope no Mo’s eternal surgery is required to achieve its full power. What is the treasure and how does Immortality play into it?
33. What is Kuzan’s purpose?
Will be solved: Yes

Kuzan, one of the strongest characters in the series, is currently aligned with Blackbeard but they don’t trust him fully. Also, Kuzan is active in the Underworld and knows up-to-date information there like Smoker’s involvement in Punk Hazard.
Kuzan had a very strong sense of justice and even was against Akainu’s extreme sense of justice. Why would someone with such a strong sense of justice align with Blackbeard and Underworld?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
The most logical reason is that he is just acting and his actions have a greater purpose. He even informed Smoker that he still remains the same as before so it will be interesting to see what role Kuzan has in the future.
34. Voice of All Things
Will be solved: Yes

Voice of all things is an ability that allows a user to hear inanimate objects or animals that don’t speak the human language. Roger, Oden, Luffy, and Momonosuke are the persons confirmed to possess this ability. Momonosuke is able to converse with the voice as he did with Zunesha. Roger found the Poneglyphs by using the Voice of all things.
Why do only a few have this power? Why does only Momonosuke can communicate with others? With recent developments in the latest chapters(1015 at the time writing this), this power grows more intriguing.
35. Who commanded Zunesha and why?
Will be solved: Maybe

Zunesha was commanded to roam around the sea due to some crime it committed. Miyagi noted that Zunesha might have some purpose for its journey. It needs a command to do anything other than walking. It’s interesting that Zuneisha lived through Void Century as it is actually 1000 years old. Also, why does Momo can command him when even Roger, Oden, or Luffy couldn’t?
36. Egg on Roger’s Ship
Will be solved: Unlikely

There is a mystery egg on Roger’s ship. Even in Oden’s flashback we never get an explanation or even any small emphasis on it. To which animal did that egg belong? Or is it just an ornamental design?
37. Who is Imu?
Will be solved: Yes

Imu is a mysterious character who is apparently ruling the world behind the curtains. It seems like he has been living for a long time based on his interaction with Gorosei. Also, he seems like he knows about every dangerous character in the world. The knowledge of Shirahoshi being an ancient weapon is a secret and not a lot know but Imu seems to know it. There are several questions about him. Who is he? Is he living from Void Century? Why does he have Luffy, Blackbeard, Vivi, and Shirahoshi pictures?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Imu is an anagram of Umi which is a famous Sea Demon in Japanese Mythology. This may mean something.
38. Giant Strawhat
Will be solved: Yes

Imu opened a giant locker room in Mariejois which seems to be in a cold environment. A Giant Strawhat similar to Luffy’s is found inside the room. Also, Imu has Luffy’s bounty picture along with several others.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
This event happened right after Doflamingo mentioned the treasure in Mariejois. There may be a correlation between the treasure and the Giant Strawhat.
39. Great Cleansing
Will be solved: Yes

Gorosei when discussing the Nefertari Cobra and Kaido-Big Mom meeting, felt that World Equilibrium cannot be maintained and felt that there is a need for Great Cleansing. Later they asked Imu about the next light that needs to be erased from history. They were talking about it like this Cleansing happened before.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
It is heavily implied that it has some relation to Vivi as Imu held her picture before meeting with Gorosei.
40. Shanks- Gorosei meeting about a mysterious pirate
Will be solved: Yes

Shanks meets Gorosei in Mariejois is very unexpected. On top of that Shanks mentioned that he is there to about a certain Pirate. Who is the pirate Shanks is talking about? How can Gorosei and Shanks even meet normally? The pirate Shanks wanted to talk about is more likely Blackbeard. Other options would be Luffy or Rocks.
41. Rocks D. Xebec
Will be solved: Yes

Rocks is one of the most mysterious characters in the One Piece world. We only know very little about him. He has the initial D. He had three Yonkos in his crew namely Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom. His legacy and existence aren’t known to the world unlike Roger’s. Kaido seems to put him on the same level as Roger, Whitebeard, Oden, etc. He aimed to be the King of the world. It seems like Blackbeard named his ship after him. With such an impact on the world, we need to know more about him.
42. Three Eyed Tribe
Will be solved: Maybe

Pudding is the only person in the series that is shown to have a third eye as her unknown father seems to be from this tribe. The thing is the third eye when awakened can even read Poneglyphs. The question is where are the other members of this tribe?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
World Government are against reading Poneglyphs. So what would they have done with an entire tribe that has this ability? I think this tribe is most likely extinct due to World Government.
43. Why did Nefertari leave the Celestial Status 20 years ago?
Will be solved: Yes

Nefertari Family are part of the twenty kingdoms that formed the World Government. But unlike others, they decided not to stay in Mariejois. Gorosei spoke of their family of being a traitor. Also, Alabasta is protecting a Poneglyph which tells the location of an ancient weapon, Pluton. Why did the Nefertari family have a Poneglyph to protect even though they were a part of twenty royal kingdoms?
44. God Valley’s significance?
Will be solved: Maybe

God Valley is the place where Rocks Pirates were defeated by Garp and Roger. Celestial Dragons along with their slaves were also present on this island. Celestial Dragons don’t usually wander in the world but just stay in Mariejois or Sabaody. Even the term “God” in its name is interesting as Celestial Dragons are called Gods. Where is the God Valley? Is it still present or destroyed? Why were Celestial Dragons there along with slaves? Why were Rocks and Roger there?
45. King’s Race/ Missing Races in Big Mom’s crew
Will be solved: Maybe

Big Mom noted that there are still three races missing in her country. Giants are one of them, King’s unknown race is another one while the third is unknown. Also, King’s race is said to be extinct hence Big Mom was interested in recruiting him. King’s design is very unique and it will be interesting to know the name.
46. SSG
Will be solved: Yes

SSG is the secret project led by Vegapunk due to which abolishment of the Warlord system wasn’t difficult to make. If its purpose is to replace the Warlord system, it must be formidable. Only the name has been dropped and the strength is still a mystery.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Based on previous experiments conducted by Vegapunk and World Government, we can have a guess about SSG. Vegapunk has been experimenting with Gigantification, Artificial devil fruits, Pacifista, Cloning, etc. SSG is probably a mixture of them. Kaido’s army is formidable due to the lower version of Artificial fruits and failed experimental Giants. Germa’s army is formidable due to human clones. Vegapunk is the pioneer for all the above and he probably produced a more successful version of them.
47. SWORD’s goal
Will be solved: Yes

SWORD is a secret group within Marines with X-Drake and Coby the known members so far. Even Kizaru doesn’t seem to know that X-Drake is a member of Marine. There are several questions that need to be answered. What is the purpose of it? Who are the other members and the leader? Which other pirate groups are infiltrated by them?
48. Who is Who’s-Who?
Will be solved: Maybe

Who’s-Who is one of the Tobi Roppo in Kaido’s crew. He mentioned that he has met Jimbei when he was a Warlord. He wears a mask and Oda named him literally “Who’s-Who”. It will be interesting to see whether it is actually explained or it may be just one of those Oda’s trolls.
49. Onigashima’s Original Name?
Will be solved: Yes

Marco was surprised that they are calling the island “Onigashima” now. So what is the actual name of the island before and how does it will play into the story?
My theory of Onigashima’s real name is here.
50. Why is Momo important?
Will be solved: Yes

After reading Oden’s journal, Yamato came to the conclusion that Momonosuke is the one that will guide the dawn of the world. Momonosuke too after reading that journal learned that he cannot afford to die. It is understandable for Luffy to be important as he is actively looking for One Piece but why Momonosuke? What’s even more interesting is that Oden never seemed to know that Momonosuke is an important character to Dawn. It will be interesting to see how Yamato and Momonosuke came to their conclusion after reading the journal.
51. What/Where is Uranus?
Will be solved: Yes
Uranus is the third ancient weapon and the least explored one in the series so far. We know quite a bit about Pluton and Poseidon but none about Uranus. So where is Uranus? What is the power of Uranus? Does World Government has it?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
The treasure that Doflamingo was talking about might actually be Uranus. Doflamingo talks about the treasure in Mariejois as something that will shake the world. Pluton and Poseidon are seen similarly as World destroying things.
52. Where is the Third Road Poneglyph?
Will be solved: Yes

We know that the third Poneglyph is with Kaido and most likely in Wano. But we still don’t know the exact location of it. It isn’t present in Onigashima based on Big Mom-Kaido interaction at the rooftop.
53. Where is the Fourth Road Poneglyph?
Will be solved: Yes

We already have found two Road Poneglyphs while the third is with Kaido at some hidden place. So the next question is where does the final one lie?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
It seems after all the trouble in getting Big Mom’s and Kaido’s Poneglyph, the final Poneglyph will probably be easier to acquire similar to Zou’s. The best guess will be Elbaf island as it is the only island we know for sure that Strawhat will travel sometime in the future.
54. Sabo situation.
Will be solved: Yes

The last time when we saw Sabo, he was planning to attack Reverie and also retrieve Kuma. Then we heard that admirals had a clash with the revolutionary army. Then after the end of Wano Act 2, we learn that something serious has happened with Sabo. Even the likes of Dragon, Makino, Dadan look shocked at the news. This news aligned with the news related to the Alabasta Kingdom where we see citizens cry. What happened to Vivi? What happened to Sabo?
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Most likely Cobra is killed. The situation with Sabo is tricky to guess. He may have been captured or the assassination of Cobra may have been pinned on him. Also, the great cleansing that Gorosei talked about may have been put into action.
55. Why BB doesn’t sleep?
Will be solved: Yes

Blackbeard is confirmed to have never slept in his life. But how can anyone survive without sleep? It is definitely linked to Blackbeard’s weird body which was mentioned by Marco.
Possible Explanation/Clues So Far
Luffy foreshadowed this in Drum Island when he talked about people from winter islands not sleeping at all. Though I am not sure how this explains Blackbeard’s phenomenon.
56. Wano’s importance to Dawn/Wano’s border
Will be solved: Yes

Wano Island is very important already since the Kozuki clan created the indestructible Poneglyphs. But Oden stressed that Wano should be opened before JoyBoy appears. Also, Kaido implied that Wano is special and that is why he is staying at Wano. Toki seemed to travel recklessly through time with the sole intention of reaching Wano. So why is Wano so important for the history of the world? This will be definitely solved by the end of the Wano arc.
Final Thoughts
The series is long and on every reread I tend to find new mysteries. so I might have missed some obvious mysteries in the list. If you have any other mysteries that you feel should have made it to the list, do comment here, I will add them.
Comments (4)
Why world government is protecting gomu gomu fruit?
This was written before that. Have to update the latest mysteries 🙂
What I am currious about is Luffys goal:
In chapter 585 Sabo, Ace and Luffy anounce something, but it is not shown what Luffy said, but since the other brothers have an unusual reaction, it’s unlikely the normal “I will be the pirate king!” speech.
It is again referenced in chapter 1000, where Yamato explaines that Roger used the same words. Most likely they are the same words Shanks is talking about, when he tells Rayleigh the first time about Luffy.
(Chapter Pictures:
Yes, that is something I missed to add here. Thanks for the comment.
There have been ideas that Luffy wants to have a giant party or giant feast with everyone in the world.