One Piece Timeskip explained.

When is One Piece Timeskip?

One Piece Timeskip Chapter Number In Manga – 597, Title – “3D2Y

One Piece Timeskip Episode Number In Anime – 516, Title – “Luffy’s Training Commences – 2 Years From Now at the Promised Place”

Major spoilers ahead.

One Piece Timeskip Explained

One Piece timeskip starts after the end of Marineford Saga and after the Ace-Sabo-Luffy flashback. Marineford saga began with the utter defeat of Strawhats in Sabaody Archipelago and getting scattered by Kuma, and ended with the death of Ace in Marineford war. Luffy himself realizes that they are weak to go to the New World and based on the advice of Rayleigh decided to take a two-year break from their adventure.

Luffy went to Marineford one more time and rang the bell of Ox sixteen times. While doing so he had the message “3D2Y” in his hand, thus giving the message to take a two-year break to all other Strawhats. During the timeskip, all the Strawhats trained to get stronger and the world at large changed greatly during this period.

Strawhats after timeskip
Strawhats after timeskip

Characters During Timeskip


1. Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy After Timeskip
Luffy After Timeskip

Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Strawhat Pirates started training in Rukshina Island under the guidance of Rayleigh during Timeskip. He trained with Rayleigh for 1.5 years and later trained alone for half a year. His bounty increased to 440 million after the incidents at the Impel down and Marineford.

He learned Gear 4th during the timeskip and learned to effectively use all types of Haki. After the timeskip, he joined with other Strawhats in the Sabaody Archipelago. Rayleigh taught him Observation Haki by blindfolding Luffy and making him dodge 100 hits. Later, in their conversation Rayleigh made note of Luffy’s ability to sense the feeling of living characters.

2. Roronoa Zoro

Zoro After Timeskip
Zoro After Timeskip

Roronoa Zoro, the swordsman of the Strawhat Pirates asked Mihawk to train him. Zoro trained under Mihawk’s guidance in Muggy Island during Timeskip. During the timeskip, Zoro learned to imbue his Armament Haki in his sword. Mihawk forbade him from having any alcohol until he mastered that.

After the timeskip, Zoro is seen with an eye closed with a scar and reunited with the Strawhats at Sabaody. He also gained both Armament and Observational Haki during the timeskip.

3. Nami

Nami After Timeskip
Nami After Timeskip

Nami, the navigator of the Strawhat Pirates stayed on the island of Weatheria to learn about their technology during Timeskip. Weatheria is an artificial Sky Island and the people living there are notable for the study of weather conditions. Weather Balls grow in Weatheria which Nami enquired about using for weapons.

Nami upgraded the existing Perfect Clima-Tact into a Sorcery Clima-Tact. She managed to upgrade her existing techniques using techniques she learned in Weatheria and by incorporating Weather Balls.

4. Sanji

Sanji After Timeskip
Sanji After Timeskip

Sanji, the cook of the Strawhat Pirates stayed on the island of Kamabakka Kingdom during Timeskip, which was ruled by Emporio Ivankov.

Ivankov placed a bet on Sanji that if Sanji could defeat 99 Newkama Kenpo masters on the island, he will be bestowed with the 99 secret techniques of Attack Cuisine. Later, we see Sanji use two of them in Punk Hazard. Also, Sanji increased his physical strength and Haki in this task during the timeskip.

Sanji also learned Skywalk as he was constantly running away from the people of Kambakka island. He also gained both Armament and Observational Haki during the timeskip.

5. Usopp

Usopp After Timeskip
Usopp After Timeskip

Usopp, the sharpshooter of the Strawhat Pirates stayed in the Bowin Islands in the Grandline during Timeskip. After seeing the message by Luffy, he decided to become stronger and requested the help of Heracules.

During the timeskip, he started to learn about different types of Pop greens and started to incorporate them as his weapons. He became stronger by avoiding the poisonous plants and also by learning about the Pop greens. After joining the crew, he plants these in Thousand Sunny and uses them for weapons.

6. Tony Tony Chopper

 Chopper After Timeskip
Chopper After Timeskip

Tony Tony Chopper, the sharpshooter of the Strawhat Pirates stayed in the Birdie Kingdom in the South Blue during Timeskip. After seeing the message by Luffy, he decided to stay on the island and learn about the different kinds of plants there. The villagers on the island also showed him a library of a huge collection of medicinal books.

Villagers have a huge amount of Pharmaceutical technology that Chopper learned during his stay there in the timeskip. Chopper also managed to control his Monster point and also transform into it by just taking one rumble ball. Chopper also learned other transformations like Kung Fu Point and he can access all the other forms except Monster Point at will without the need of Rumble ball.

7. Nico Robin

Robin After Timeskip
Robin After Timeskip

Nico Robin, the navigator of the Strawhat Pirates stayed with the Revolutionary army presumably in Baltigo in the Grandline during Timeskip. After seeing the message by Luffy, she decided to stay with the Revolutionary Army and get stronger under the guidance of Dragon.

During the timeskip, she improved her use of devil fruit to an extent that she can create a clone of herself and also create gigantic limbs. She also learned Fishman Karate during the Timeskip. She also has a new form by which she can create a dark-colored demon with wings called Demonio Fleur.

8. Franky

Franky After Timeskip
Franky After Timeskip

Franky, the shipwright of the Strawhat Pirates stayed in the Future land of Baltimore in the Grandline during Timeskip. After seeing the message by Luffy, he decided to stay on the island and get stronger using Vegapunk’s technology.

Using Vegapunk’s technology, Franky has upgraded himself to Battle Franky 37. Also, using Wapometal Franky is turned into a giant robot named “Iron Pirate General Franky” which is Battle Franky 38. The upgraded techniques he gathered are Laser Beam, Franken sword, etc.

9. Brook

 Brook After Timeskip
Brook After Timeskip

Brook, the musician of the Strawhat Pirates stayed in the Longarm Kingdom in the Grandline during Timeskip. After seeing the message by Luffy, he decided to stay on the island and get stronger improving his music and soul powers. During the timeskip, he got the title “Soul King” and traveled the world as a music sensation.

During the timeskip, Brook managed to learn to separate his soul from his body. He also improved his swordsmanship by imbuing his sword with the icy chill of death.

Worst Generation

1. Marshall D. Teach / Blackbeard

During the timeskip a year after the Marineford War, Blackbeard pirates had a battle against remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates led by Marco which came to be known as the Grudge War. Blackbeard Pirates emerged as the victor of the war and became a Yonko.

Blackbeard after this war took over the territories of Whitebeard since he knew about them well. Also, Blackbeard Pirates are known to hunt devil fruit users to steal their fruits during the timeskip.

Also, the crew’s size has expanded with ten divisions led by “Ten Titanic Captains“. Jesus Burgess became the captain of the first ship, while Shiryu and Lafitte became the captain of the second and the fifth ships respectively. Catarina Devon, Avalo Pizarro, Vasco Shot, Sanjuan Wolf, Van Auger, and Doc Q also became captains of their own ships.

2. Trafalgar Law

Trafalgar D. Water Law was said to be the main mastermind of an event known as the “Rocky Port Incident“. At some point during the timeskip, Law sent the hearts of 100 pirates to the World Government which led to him being a Warlord of the Sea.

Later, he went to Punk Hazard partnering with Caeser Clown, and to stay there Law gave his heart to Caeser. During the stay, he gave new legs to Brownbeard and many others who lost the ability to walk.

3. Eustass Kid

During the timeskip, Eustass Kid got into a lot of conflicts in the New World. He lost his left arm in a clash against the Red Hair Pirates which he replaced with a metal arm. Later at some point, he went into Big Mom territory and stole something he wanted, even injuring one of the Sweet Commanders.

4. Scratchman Apoo

Sometime during the timeskip, Scratchman Apoo and his crew got into Big Mom territory but were forced to flee. Also during the timeskip, he joined Beast Pirates which he kept a secret from the public.

5. Capone Bege

At some point during the timeskip, Capone Bege and his crew went into Big Mom territory but were defeated. The crew decided to ally with Big Mom and even married Charlotte Chiffon, the 22nd daughter of Big Mom, thus becoming a subordinate of Big Mom. He later had a son named Capone Pez.

During a tea party, when Mother Caramel’s photo dropped on the floor, Big Mom responded by letting out Conquerors Haki knocking out everyone in the vicinity. He noticed that Big Mom scraped her knees and bled weakening her body.

6. Urouge

Sometimes during the timeskip, Urouge and his crew wandered into Big Mom territory and defeated one of the former Four Sweet Commanders, Charlotte Snack. Later, Urouge was swiftly defeated by Cracker

7. X Drake

Sometime during the timeskip, X Drake joined the Beast Pirates and also climbed to the post of Tobiroppo. He assisted in the destruction of Amigasa Village in Wano.


1. Coby

During the timeskip, Koby was involved in Rocky Port Incident where Trafalgar Law was also involved. His skills in Observational Haki seem to have improved during the Timeskip.

2. Smoker

Smoker requested Aokiji to transfer him to G-5. His request was fulfilled, so both he and Tashigi were transferred to G-5 based which was under Vergo. Afterward, Smoker was promoted to Vice Admiral and also received a scar on his face from an unknown enemy.

Sometimes during the timeskip, Smoker informed about the Alabasta Incident and the coverup of the Navy regarding Crocodile’s defeat by Luffy.

3. Tashigi

Along with Smoker, Tashigi was also transferred to G-5 Marine base under Vergo. Sometime during the timeskip, a soldier informed Tashigi that Vergo sometimes suddenly will leave to take of his sick sister. One time, she even talked about a kidnapping case with Vergo which he dismissed as a false claim and said that the parents were just clinging to false hope.

4. Akainu

Akainu was nominated to the Fleet Admiral after Sengoku retired. Aokiji was against the idea of Sakazuki becoming the Fleet Admiral and both battled in the island of Punk Hazard for ten days. This battle changed the landscape of Punk Hazard completely with one side burning and the other side freezing. Akainu won and became the Fleet Admiral.

After becoming the Fleet Admiral, Akainu relocated the headquarters to New World. Navy under Akainu’s rule has become sterner in handling Pirates.

5. Aokiji

Aokiji Kuzan was nominated to the Fleet Admiral by Sengoku who retired from his position as Fleet Admiral. But higher-ups preferred Akainu to the Fleet Admiral. Though usually uninterested in these, Aokiji was against the idea of Sakazuki becoming the Fleet Admiral and both battled on the island of Punk Hazard for ten days. This battle changed the landscape of Punk Hazard completely with one side burning and the other side freezing. Akainu won and became the Fleet Admiral.

Though both got severely injured with Aokiji even losing a leg, Akainu let go of Aokiji alive. Aokiji left the Navy not wanting to work under Akainu. He later had some connection with Underworld as speculated by both Doflamingo and Smoker. He also is part of Blackbeard Pirates though the time he joined them is unclear.

After leaving the Marines, Kuzan met Camel, a large penguin and the two of them became companions and the two of them travel together.

6. Sengoku

Two weeks after the Summit War, Sengoku resigned from his post of Fleet Admiral and also nominated Aokiji Kuzan for the position of Fleet Admiral. He took the post of Inspector General and acts as a semi-retired Marine.

7. Garp

Like Sengoku, Garp also retired from his post of Vice-Admiral and took on the post of Inspector General to inspire the upcoming generation.

8. Fujitora

Sometime during the timeskip, Fujitora joined the Marines as an admiral through the “World Military Draft”. At one point during the timeskip, he even spoke with Smoker about the Alabasta incident and learned how the Navy swept the incident under the rug.

9. Greenbull

Sometime during the timeskip, Ryokugyu joined the Marines as an admiral through the “World Military Draft”. Not much is known about them except that he hasn’t eaten for the last three years which will cover the period in the timeskip.

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