Onepiece: Future Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Ideas.
In the Onepiece world, Mythical Zoan devil fruits are the rarest types of devil fruits. So far, Oda has introduced just five mythical zoans and each possesses extraordinary abilities. With the series currently in the Wano arc, we can definitely expect a few more mythical zoans. Let us look at possible mythical zoan fruits that Oda could introduce in the future of our favorite manga.
Manga Spoilers Ahead!!
1. Hito Hito no Mi: Model – Moon God
Ever since it got revealed that Luffy’s Devil fruit is actually a Sun God Nika, Mythical Zoan of Human Devil Fruit, it opened the box for similar future fruits. But I don’t think we will a whole ton of such things and I actually expect only two other variations of it.
The first one is Moon God and Blackbeard’s Darkness Logia’s real name is Hito Hito no Mi Moon God model. Blackbeard Logia doesn’t work like a Logia at all. He doesn’t turn into darkness fully but just has the power like a paramecia devil fruit. Darkness Devil Fruit was already suspicious enough and these recent revelations make it more likely that is a Mythical Zoan.
2. Hito Hito no Mi: Model – Earth God/Water God
Continuing on the above point, I think Imu might have a Devil Fruit model representing Earth or Water. Having control of either land or seas is fitting for the big bad guy at the end.
In Skypiea Enel controlled the land and the arc is a mini version of One Piece in its theme.
3. Tori Tori no Mi: Model – Thunder Bird

Thunderbird is a legendary bird in North American folklore and is considered a creature of strength and power. It is considered a mighty protector and enforcer.
It is a master of sky and can create thunders with a flap of the wings and lightning with its beaks. It can even create storms. Monkey D. Dragon fits with these descriptions so much that it is a good guess that he has this devil fruit.
- Create Thunder.
- Create Lighting Bolts.
- Create Storms
- Flying
4. Human-Human Fruit: Model – Lucifer

In the series, we have already seen two variations of Human Human fruit. One is a simple human-human fruit eaten by Chopper that gave him the abilities of a normal human and the other is a human fruit model of Budha eaten by Sengoku which is a mythical fruit. Since a divine version of human-human fruit is introduced, it is possible that an evil version of human-human fruit will be introduced.
In Christianity, Lucifer is known as a “light-bringer” and is believed to be an angel who became arrogant and opposed God itself. Lucifer is known to be the Satan that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden devil fruit and thus opened mankind to all sins. Onepiece has several references to Christianity and the concept of devil fruit itself strongly resembles that of the forbidden fruit eaten by Adam and Eve.
The story of the battle between archangel Michael and Lucifer is similar to the ongoing struggle between the celestial dragons and the revolutionary army in one piece world. Celestial Dragons are considered as the Gods/Angels in the Onepiece world and the revolutionary army who oppose them thus will be the devils. Lucifer is known to have the power to transform into a dragon and the leader of the revolutionary army is Monkey D. Dragon thus drawing the parallel between Lucifer and Monkey D. Dragon and D might as well stand for devil.
- Mind Control
- Soul Manipulation
- Weather Control
5. Goat Goat Fruit: Model – Chimera

According to Greek mythology, Chimera was a three-headed monster that ravaged the countryside of Lykia in Anatolia. It was a bizarre fire-breathing creature with the body and head of a lion, a goat’s head rising from its back, the udders of a goat, and a serpent for a tail. It is a sibling of such monsters as Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra. There is a decent possibility of Chimera devil fruit introduced in Onepiece considering references to Cerberus (In Thriller bark) and hydra(Magellan devil fruit) were already made.
- Breathes Fire.
- Poisoning.
- Accelerated healing.
6. Elephant Elephant Fruit: Model – Yazhi
Yazhi is a mythical creature in Hinduism which have the head of an elephant, the body of a lion, and the tail of a serpent. Yali thus has the strength of an elephant, ferociousness, speed of a lion, and the fear factor associated with a snake. Yali is scripted in many Hindu temples and is said to protect the temples from evil forces. This will be an upgraded version of Jack’s devil fruit.
- Extreme tough skin.
- Speed.
7. Spider Spider Fruit: Model – Jorogumo

Jorōgumo is a famous spider type yôkai in Japan. It can shapeshift between three forms: a giant spider, a human woman, half woman/half spider. It transforms into a human woman to seduce and entrap humans to eat, however, its reflection will show its true spider form. It can not be killed by any kind of poison. It will be hilarious to see a fight between Sanji and a person with this devil fruit.
- Illusion
- Musical Spell Casting
- Spider Webs
8. Snake Snake Fruit: Model – Basilisk

Basilisk is a legendary reptile reputed to be a serpent king, who can cause death with a single glance. The basilisk is believed to be the most poisonous creature ever lived, there are tales where the basilisk was killed by a spear from horseback, but the poison flowed upward and killed both the man and the rider.
Its presence is so tainting, that not only herbs die of its terrible breath, but stones shatter as well. The basilisk’s venom is so strong, that upon drinking from a well, the water remains polluted for centuries, bringing death to anyone drinking it. Killing people with just a look will be an overpowered ability in Onepiece.
- Poisoning.
- Death Stare.
- Flying ability.
9. Tori Tori no Mi: Model – Siren

In Greek mythology, Sirens were believed to look like a combination of women and birds in various different forms. They were dangerous creatures known for their hypnosis, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island.
There is already a character in Onepiece who has the power of hypnotism and has a birdlike appearance with wings. Laffitte, the captain of the fifth ship of Blackbeard pirates is likely to have this devil fruit.
He has the power of hypnosis which is demonstrated in Marineford when he hypnotized the Marines present in the control room without being noticed, has wings that enabled him to fly, and has a feminine look thus mimicking an appearance of Siren.

- Hypnosis.
- Flying Ability
- Telepathy
- Regeneration
10. Human-Human Fruit: Model – Oni
Oni is a kind of Yokai in Japanese folklore and mythology. They are usually portrayed as hideous-looking, gigantic ogre-like creatures with horns, and sharp claws. Powerful Oni is described as a deity in Japanese Buddhism.
One Piece already has several references to Oni. Kaido is designed like an Oni God, Oars race is an Oni like race. Kaido having an Oni devil fruit was a theory among some in the community. With so many soft references, I have doubts whether Oda will actually have an Oni fruit. But he could make Oni Devil Fruits have different abilities.
- Supernatural Strength
11. Deer Deer Fruit: Model – Kirin

Kirin has a Chimera-like beast with an appearance of a deer, scales of a dragon, and a flowing mane. It’s mane if covered in flame. It is portrayed as a gentle animal and known for virtue and benevolence. It only appears on the arrival of a great leader.
It is difficult to guess what supernatural powers one can obtain by gaining Kirin power apart from fire powers. Mythologically Kirin isn’t associated with fighting that much. Maybe Oda could just take the reference and spin the powers based on his liking.
- Fire
- Flying ability
12. Squirrel Squirrel Fruit: Model – Ratatoskr

Rata is a squirrel creature in Norse Mythology that acts as a messenger between an eagle living at the top and a snake at the bottom of the world tree Yggdrasil. It often tells slanderous gossip provoking both the eagle and the serpent.
Elbaf is already based on Norse and it has a giant tree. So it isn’t farfetched to guess that Oda may incorporate a being from that mythology. Also, this creature’s character trait fits perfectly in the One Piece world.
- Healing
13. Wolf Wolf Fruit: Model – Fenrir

Fenrir is a giant wolf in Norse Mythology and is also a child of Loki. Fenrir possessed immense strength that was feared greatly and immense durability.
We already have seen a normal wolf devil fruit. So it will be a great addition as we don’t have that much reference to werewolves in the series.
- Superhuman strength.
- Superhuman durability.
I will update as I find any other mythical creatures’ ideas. Do you have any ideas, do share them in the comments.
Comments (2)
Add dragons pls
Ash Ash Fruit
Grass Grass Fruit
Crystal Crystal Fruit