One Piece All Conquerors Haki Users List So far.
One Piece is one of the best Manga ever. With being the best selling of all time, it has a huge fan following all over the world. At the time of writing this, it has spun 1024 chapters and hasn’t dropped a bit in quality.
Conquerors Haki, also known as Haoshoku Haki is one of the three types of Haki in One Piece and also the rarest type in the series, with only one among millions have it. Even among them, only a handful can actually infuse them in physical attacks making them the strongest characters in the series. There are currently 16 confirmed Conquerors Haki users. I haven’t included the characters who are assumed to possess it like Mihawk, Rocks, Dragon, Garp, etc. Only the canonically confirmed users are included in this list.
Manga Spoilers Ahead!!!
1. Shanks

Shanks is one of the four emperors currently and was also a former member of Roger Pirates, where he was working as an apprentice.
Instances of Usage:
- He was the first person to display the Conqueror’s Haki when he used it to ward off the Sea King in the first chapter.
- The next instance he used it was during the time when he boarded Whitebeard’s ship during the Post Enies Lobby arc. He knocked down the weakest soldiers in Moby Dick but it has to be noted that members of Whitebeard pirates aren’t weak rather seasoned veterans.
- Also in SBS, Oda has noted that Shanks and Rayleigh could knock 1,00,000 people in Fishman Island which is twice as potent as Luffy by the time of the Fishman Island arc.
- In the Post Enies Lobby arc, Shanks and Whitebeard clashes splitting the sky which is speculated to be due to Conquerors Haki.
2. Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy is the protagonist of the series and the captain of Strawhat Pirates. He is the next person to have shown the use of Conquerors Haki. Luffy has the most instances of its usages and we learn more about this Haki through him.
Instances of Usage:

- In the Sabaody Archipelago arc, he used it unintentionally when he knocked out the bison, Motobaro.
- Later he again unintentionally used it to save Marguerite’s group during the battle with Gorgon’s sisters. Here he knocked several warriors of Amazon Lily.
- During Impel Down arc, he again used it unintentionally to knock out wolves and Bon Clay in Level 5.
- Later during the Marineford arc, he used it again subconsciously when Ace was about to get executed, knocking out several characters on the battlefield.
- After the time skip, he was able to use it at will. The first time after timeskip we see use it is against the fake Strawhats which consists of Fake Luffy, Fake Franky, Fake Nami, and Fake Usopp.
- Later in Fishman Island, he used it to knock out 50,000 men of New Fishman pirates at once when fighting against Hody.
- In Dressrosa, while fighting Don Chinjao their clash was accompanied by Conquerors Haki. Chinjao noted that there are several Conquerors Haki users in the New World.
- Again in Dressrosa, while fighting Doflamingo, Conquerors Haki emitted from both of them when their legs clashed.
- In the Whole Cake Island arc, during the battle with Katakuri, they knocked out Flambe and her subordinates.
- In the Wano arc, after the first encounter with Kaido, Luffy got knocked out unconscious but still could use Conquerors Haki knocking out Kaido’s henchmen.
- Later in Wano, during his training in Udon, he knocked out the guards in the prison.
- Then finally, while facing Kaido, he realized that coating Conquerors Haki in attacks is the secret of Kaido’s strength and hence able to hit Kaido by doing the same in his attacks. They both were able to keep it up for several dozens of minutes before Luffy getting defeated by Kaido.
3. Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock is another confirmed user of Conquerors Haki. She is a former Warlord and the leader of Kuja pirates. We haven’t seen her use Conquerors Haki but was confirmed by her sisters about her ability when Luffy used it.
4. Silvers Rayleigh

Silvers Rayleigh is the former vice-captain of the Rogers Pirates and currently a ship coater. Silvers Rayleigh is the one who taught Luffy about the types of Haki. He can use it to an extent that he can knock out specific opponents.
Instances of Usage:

- Rayleigh first demonstrated this ability in the Sabaody Archipelago arc, when he used to knock out Disco when he was torturing Camie.
- Later in the same arc, he used it to knock out the Celestial Dragon, Saint Shalria to save Camie again.
- He again used it immediately to knock out the remaining security guards in the Human Auctioning House.
- Later in Amazon Lily, he demonstrated it to Luffy while teaching him the basics of Haki.
5. Whitebeard

Whitebeard is the next person confirmed to have Conqueror’s Haki. Whitebeard was one of the four emperors of the New World and also a man who was considered equal to Roger. Whitebeard didn’t use this Haki as much as others due to his deteriorating health and old age.
Instances of Usage:

- Fossa confirmed that Whitebeard has Conquerors Haki when he witnessed Luffy having it.
- He might have tried to use it to save Ace during the Marineford War, inferred based on his dialogue but this isn’t confirmed.
- He definitely used it during his prime days like when he fought Gold Roger. During this battle, their swords didn’t even touch each other which we later came to knew is due to Conquerors Haki.
- His battle with Oden did produce lightning effects which are used to indicate Conquerors Haki but it isn’t confirmed.
- In the Post Enies Lobby arc, he clashed with Shanks splitting the sky which is a feat speculated to be due to Conquerors Haki.
6. Portgaz D. Ace

Portgaz D. Ace was the brother of Monkey D. Luffy, son of Gol D. Roger, and was the second division commander of Whitebeard Pirates. Ace too didn’t have a lot of screentime depicting it.
Instances of Usage:
- During the flashback after Marineford, at the age of 10, during the fight with Bluejam Pirates, Ace unleashed his Conquerors Haki knocking out everyone except Bluejam.
7. Donquiote Doflamingo

Doflamingo is a former Celestial Dragon, the former King of Dressrosa, and a former Warlord.
Instances of Usage:

- In the Punk Hazard arc, Doflamingo reached the Punk Hazard island to put a stop to Luffy and Law. Once he reached the island, he unleashed his Conquerors Haki to knock out some of the G-5 soldiers.
- Then during his flashback in Dressrosa, he unleashed the Conquerors Haki when he was being tied to poles and tortured along with his father and brother by North Blue citizens. He knocked out the people who were torturing them thus saving himself and his father and brother.
- Later in the Dressrosa arc, while clashing with Luffy, they both unleashed Conquerors Haki.
8. Don Chinjao

Don Chinjao is a former pirate, the leader of the Chinjao Family, and the retired 12th leader of the Happo Navy. Don Chinjao isn’t an important character in the series and he displaying this Haki implies that anyone can have Conquerors Haki.
Instances of Usage:

- In the Dressrosa arc, Don Chinjao knocked out several competitors in Block C in the Colosseum competition and the participants are strong fighters.
- In the same arc, the clash between Luffy and Chinjao knocked several other contestants out of the arena.
9. Big Mom

Charlotte Linlin also known as Big Mom, is one of the Four Emperors in the New World and also the captain of Big Mom Pirates. Big Mom is one of the strongest users of Conquerors Haki which we actually able to see several times on screen.
Instances of Usage:

- In the Whole Cake arc, Big Mom knocked out a guest in the tea party when he inquired about Mother Caramel.
- Later when Mother Caramel portrait was broken, Big Mom went into a frenzy and unleashed a great amount of Conquerors Haki knocking out several guests and animals.
- In the Wano arc, when Kaido and Big Mom fought they managed to split the sky. The splitting of the sky is speculated to happen when Conquerors Haki users clash.
- Big Mom is one of the very few to infuse Conquerors Haki in their attacks. In the Wano arc, she infused Conquerors Haki in her fists to knock out Page One.
10. Katakuri

Charlotte Katakuri is the First Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates and the second eldest son of Big Mom.
Instances of Usage:
- In the Whole Cake Island arc, during the clash between Katakuri and Luffy, they both use Conquerors Haki knocking out Flambe and her subordinates.
11. Kaido

Kaido is one of the Four Emperors in the New World and also the captain of Beast Pirates. Known as the Strongest Creature, Kaido is one of the strongest users of Conquerors Haki which we actually able to see several times on screen.
Instances of Usage:

- In Wano arc part 1, Kaido knocked out Luffy unconscious with one hit from his club which was later revealed that Kaido infused Conquerors Haki in the club.
- Again at the Rooftop of Onigashima, Kaido attacks Luffy again with Ranganark, an attack which is infused with Conquerors Haki.
- Later he attacks both Zoro and Law with Conquerors Haki infused Thunder Bagua.
- Then he attacks Kineomon with Conquerors Haki infused attack.
- In the Wano arc, Big Mom and Kaido fought to split the sky with sparks of lightning, which is speculated to be Conquerors Haki.
12. Kid

Eustass Kid is the captain of Kid Pirates and is one of the members of the Worst Generation. He is one of the three members among the Worst Generation to have Conquerors Haki. There is no actual depiction of him using it on screen.
Instances of Usage:
- In the Wano arc, Kaido mentioned that Kid also has Conquerors Haki when Luffy used his Conquerors Haki unconsciously.
13. Oden

Oden was former Daimyo of Kuri in Wano, a former member of Whitebeard pirates, and a former member of Roger Pirates. Oden is one of the best users of Conquerors Haki we have seen in the series so far.
Instances of Usage:

- In the Wano arc, Ashura Doji noted that Luffy too had the same special trick as Oden when Luffy knocked out Kaido’s henchmen by Conquerors Haki.
- During the flashback in the Wano arc, when Kaido fought Oden, Oden manages to injure Kaido leaving him a scar which we later get to know that only those with Conquerors Haki are able to scar Kaido.
- During the flashback in the Wano arc, when Oden and Whitebeard clashed, lightning sparks are shown which might imply the use of Conquerors Haki, though it is just a speculation.
14. Gol D. Roger

Gol D. Roger was the King of Pirates and was the captain of Roger Pirates. There aren’t a lot of instances where we have seen him use it.
Instances of Usage:
- Gol D. Roger has shown to be greatly efficient in using Conquerors Haki as seen during his clash with Whitebeard during Oden’s flashback in Wano arc. Their weapons didn’t even touch when they clashed which implied that he coated his weapon with Conquerors Haki that only a few are able to do.
15. Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro is a member of Strawhat Pirates, a swordsman, and a member of the Worst Generation. He is the latest confirmed user on this list.
Instances of Usage:
- In the Wano arc, during the battle at the rooftop against Kaido, as a last resort, he used Ashura against Kaido which left a scar in Kaido. Kaido noted that Zoro was using Conquerors Haki but Zoro isn’t aware of it.
16. Sengoku*
Sengoku is the former Marine Fleet Admiral and is currently an inspector general. Canonically he wasn’t shown to have Conquerors Haki even once. But it is revealed in Vivre Card that he has Conquerors Haki so it is up to the fans to take this as canon or not.
17. Yamato

Yamato is the daughter of Kaido and currently aiding Luffy’s alliance in the Wano Raid. She used her Conquerors Haki at the young age of 8 and is currently fighting Kaido in one on one.
Instances of Usage:
- At an young age, when she was prisoned by Kaido, she used it to knock out some low level members of the Beast pirates.
- During the Wano Arc raid, she is fighting Kaido singlehandedly using Conquerors Haki.
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