One Piece: 15 Possible Logia Devil Fruit Ideas
In One Piece, there are three types of devil fruits. Paramecia, Zoans and Logia. Logia Devil fruits are granted the power to transform their body’s composition into a natural element at will and create and control that element. As a result, they don’t get injured unless attacked by Haki or attacked by their natural weakness.
So far only a limited number of Logias have been revealed. Here I will list what logia could appear or just fun to speculate.
1. Water Water Fruit

Water Logia could become the most powerful devil fruit in One Piece. Those who control the seas is the ruler of the world, this idea is the core story of the series. When someone literally controls the seas, they become the King of the world. The only person who could have this power would be Imu. I don’t see anyone else other than him having that kind of Devil fruit.
Water logia don’t seem that powerful in attack power like Magma Logia but Oda could write some crazy special power to it if he went that route. Thematically for One Piece, Water Logia seems like an endgame villain’s devil fruit.
2. Wind Wind Fruit

Wind Logia is another possible logia that could make its debut in the future. Someone like Dragon who was heavily hinted at having Wind-related powers might have it. The wind would be a unique power since it would make the user invisible making it too difficult to counter.
The opponent needs to be really well versed in Observation Haki too to counter it. Additionally, powers like creating storms, rain, etc will add to its versatility.
3. Plant/Wood Fruit
Plant Logia or Wood logia will be a unique addition that I think might have a reasonable probability than others on the list. If you think about it, logias actually work like plants. Even if logias are cut, they don’t get injured but regenerate.
Plant Logia will improve upon inherent logia property and have crazy regeneration like Marco devil fruit. The wood version is a more simplified version of it.
4. Mercury Mercury Fruit
Mercury is the only liquid metal in the world and Logia based on metal would be dope. Metals provide additional endurance even basic Haki attacks would be ineffective compared to typical logia.
5. Blood Blood Fruit
Blood logia would be truly gruesome and messy, hence I doubt Oda would have it. But it’s fun to speculate the possibility of this happening. What interests me is that potential awakening might affect the opponent’s blood literally. That is a scary power to think about.
6. Oil Oil Fruit
Oil Logia is another possibility to think about. Oil is combustible which could make this devil fruit work as a bomb too. Oil doesn’t sink in water which would make the user float in the seas instead of drowning.
7. Acid Acid Fruit

Acid Logia will be Overpowered. It will be similar to Magellan’s Paramecia Poison Devil fruit. Acid can be of varying levels thus adding variety to the attacks. It will have one of the strongest attack power compared to most Devil fruits.
Just touching Acid would make most of the opponents killed unlike say, Snow, cloud Logia. It is more along the lines of Magma Devil Fruit.
8. Plasma Plasma Fruit
Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. One Piece doesn’t get too scientific in physics l so I doubt we will ever get one but it is an interesting idea. Plasma could be interpreted as an advanced version of lightning devil fruit that says something.
9. Blue Flames Fruit

Blue flame is a different form of fire. Blue flames are said to be complete combustion in real life. It is unclear if Marco’s devil fruit can be considered to have Blue flames. Blue flames are hotter than red flames and thus can be considered to be an upgraded version of Mera Mera no Mi.
10. Radiation Radiation Fruit
Radiation logia are similar to Plasma in that they are too scientific which is rare in One Piece. Radiation logia will be even more potent than Magma devil fruit. Radiation will have long-term effects too. Attacks will be long-range too and what the awakening would do is just too scary to think of.
11. Cloud Cloud Fruit
This could be a different variation of Smoker’s Devil fruit similar to how Ice and Snow logias exist. Clouds could have different powers such as the ability to produce lightning and rain which can be used in combat. Already we have seen this in Zeus and a person entirely turning into clouds can be invincible.
12. Metal Metal Fruit
The most common metals are steel (made from iron), aluminum (made from bauxite), copper (made from copper ore), gold (made from gold ore), and silver (made from silver ore). Logia fruit can be of any metal and the specific power can vary depending on it. Metals are strong and are difficult to break in general and logia of it will make the character impossible to damage.
13. Resin Resin Fruit
Resin is a natural substance that is secreted by trees. The resin in trees can be found in the form of a sticky liquid or solid. It was an important aspect of Sabaody Islands.
It can have stretchy properties, glue properties, and can be a better version of Luffy and Katakuri’s devil fruit.
14. Glass Glass Fruit
Glasses can be transparent or opaque depending on the situation. So it can be used to create illusions, or allow one to completely blend in with the environment. They also will have the typical logia powersets of being intangibility. Also, the user can produce sharp glasses that can be used offensively to a great effect.
15. Steam Steam Fruit
We already have two devil fruits that are based on water in its coldest form – Snow and Ice logias. It may be entirely possible that a logia that is based on water in its hottest form could be there. The user can vaporize the surroundings and also cause great damage to the opponent’s skin due to heat.
Comments (2)
Magma one pls
that one exists this is ones that dont exist yet