One Piece Theory: Momonosuke’s Conquerors Haki In Wano
Main Theme Of Wano
Conquerors Haki is the main theme of Wano. Out of 17 confirmed Haki users, 6 are currently in Wano: Kaido, BM, Luffy, Kid, Zoro, Yamato. Four others – Oden, WB, Roger, Shanks play an important role in the Wano flashback. We got introduced to Rocks just before the Wano arc, who had 3 of the strongest conquerors Haki users in his crew. There are several instances throughout Wano where the theme of will and being a Conqueror has been emphasized.

Definition of Conquerors Haki
Trebol and Marigold sisters have given the definition of Conquerors Haki at different instances. According to Doflamingo, Conquerors Haki users have the quality of a king and are chosen by heaven. According to the Marigold sisters, a Conqueror Haki user is a natural-born king. Momonosuke fits this in several ways as we will see below.

Momonosuke’s Qualities
Voice Of All Things
Momonosuke has the voice of all things. The only three other people to have this are Oden, Roger, and Luffy and all three of them are Conquerors Haki users. And even among them, only Momonosuke has the ability to command Zunesha which even others couldn’t.

Dawn Of The World
Yamato implied that Momonosuke must be the one to guide the world to dawn. Even Momonosuke himself says that he mustn’t die implying a bigger role in Dawn. At this moment, it isn’t confirmed what will Momonosuke’s role be exactly but bringing Dawn to the world is the biggest thing in One Piece world. The man directly responsible for it is fit to be a Conqueror Haki user.

Conquerors Lineage
In One Piece, there is a great probability of kids of Conquerors Haki users having it themselves. We see that with Roger-Ace, Kaido-Yamato. Dragon most likely has Conquerors Haki based on Ivankov’s words. Garp even states that Luffy is born with Conquerors Haki. So being Oden’s son, Momonosuke having it doesn’t seem farfetched.

Momonosuke’s Character Arc
Momonosuke’s character arc in Wano is to become a great leader. Luffy and Momo are constantly said to the “leaders” of the Alliance side. It will be just fitting for him to be a Conqueror Haki user to become a great leader and conclude his arc.

Yamato – Momonosuke Parallel
There is also a parallel between Yamato & Momonosuke.
- Both trying to fill in as Oden.
- Momo is a Kaido’s dragon devil fruit replica while Yamato calls herself Oden.
- Yamato and Momonosuke are born in the same year and Momonosuke would have been 28 years old.
Yamato awakened her Conquerors Haki at age of 8. I believe Momo too will awaken his Conquerors Haki at his current age of 8.

When will it awaken?
Now let us see when will he awaken it. This is tricky to guess. So, currently, Momo is trying to hold Onighashima by himself. Even in chapter 1028 with just 5 mins left, he is only able to create a small puff of flame clouds and nowhere enough to stop the island.

Conquerors Haki is awakened in a desperate situation. Momo’s biggest fear is people dying which will be a failure as a leader and son of Oden. I believe his Conquerors Haki will awaken as the final desperation act when he is on the edge of failing to hold Onighashima. Or potentially if there is a situation where he encounters Kaido again
But what help will it even provide in holding an island? It seems Conquerors Haki comes in different shapes. Zoro’s Conquerors comes in form of Ashura. Big Mom’s Conquerors makes her skin impenetrable. So Momo might awaken Conquerors Haki in some new way which will increase his flame generating ability.
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