Hunter X Hunter Six Nen Types Explained.
Hunter X Hunter is one of the best anime series of all time. With its adventurous, action-packed story combined with gritty and dark moments, Hunter X Hunter leaves an everlasting impact on the viewers.
Power System in Hunter X Hunter is one of the best power systems in anime with its complexity and unique abilities. There are six aura types that each person is born with. We can find the type using the Water divination test and also Hisoka has given out criteria based on the personality traits to find the aura type.
These shouldn’t be confused with four major principles and the six advanced techniques. Aura types are different from the Nen principles.
1. Enhancement

Hisoka’s Personality Analysis:
According to Hisoka, Enhancers will be simple-minded but determined in their actions. They don’t lie, don’t hide things, don’t manipulate others. Often they seem to be selfish in their goals and actions are determined by their feelings.
Their powers reflect their personality as their Hatsu seem to be the most simplistic out of all other types.
We see Enhancers like Gon, Uvogin who fall exactly in the character traits like above. But we also have characters like Gotoh who is very logical and doesn’t seem simple-minded. So, we shouldn’t take Hisoka analysis as a definitive test but it gives a slight idea.
Water Divination Test:
Enhancers, when they concentrate their aura around the water glass with a leaf, will increase the volume of water and make it overflow out of the glass. Gon’s nen type was found when he made the water overflow.
Enhancers’ ability allows them to enhance the natural abilities of an object or their own body. Enhancers are the most balanced out of all types with solid offense and defense naturally, and hence their powers seem to be very simplistic.
Enhancers’ power makes them increases their physical strength and makes them like tanks. Enhancement even boosts the target’s growth or increases the healing factor.
For example, Uvogin and Gon didn’t develop specific ability rather they just increased their durability. Kastro created a double of him which is essentially a conjurer’s ability hence he wasn’t able to use it efficiently. On the other hand, someone like Netero is able to have a highly powerful 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva which has the property of conjuration, emission, manipulation, etc.
- Gido
- Gon Freecs
- Gotoh
- Palm Siberia
- Phinks
- Isaac Netero
- Rabid Dog
- Rammot
- Kastro
- Uvogin
- Maha Zoldyck
- Wing
- Menthuthuyoupi
- Zeho
2. Conjuration
Hisoka’s Personality Analysis:
According to Hisoka, Conjurers are serious, stoic, logical, and cautious characters. They are really cautious and think before they act and remain calm even during stressful times. The traps rarely work on them due to their observance and logical thinking.
Most of the items they conjure often reflect the above character traits.
There are conjurers that seem to fall short of these traits like Cheetu, who doesn’t seem to fit in. Other characters like Kite, Knov, Genthru perfectly fit into Hisoka’s test.
Water Divination Test:
Conjurers will produce impurities in the water when they concentrate their aura near the water glass.
Conjurer’s ability allows the user to create a physical material object using one’s aura. The conjured object can have its own laws and principles yet they have limitations to them. Some conjured objects even have specialists’ ability to them.
The durability of the conjured object depends on the conjurer’s skill. Some objects even have independent thoughts to them. Unlike Enhancers, Conjurers’ abilities are complex and can have several constraints.
Shizuku, a Phantom Troupe member, can conjure a vacuum cleaner that can suck seemingly huge amounts of things. Kite can conjure crazy slots which can even talk and can turn into different objects. Knov can create his own separate pocket dimension.
- Cheetu
- Kite
- Knov
- Genthru
- Kortopi
- Owl
- Shizuku
- Welfin
3. Emission
Hisoka’s Personality Analysis:
According to Hisoka, Emitters are short-tempered, snappy, impatient, and highly reactive. They are so similar to Enhancers but the difference seems to be that Emitters aren’t as selfish and tend to calm down.
Most of the known Emitters seem to follow these traits perfectly like Leorio, Knuckle, etc. But someone like Melody doesn’t seem to fit into this pattern aptly.
Water Divination Test:
Emitters will change the color of the water when they concentrate their aura near the water glass.
Emitters’ ability allows them to separate their aura from their body and use it in combat. Even when the aura is separated from the body, Emitters are able to maintain their aura for a longer period of time compared to other affinities and keep the aura concentration intact.
Usually, Emitters concentrate their ability on long-range combat. They usually shoot beams or projectile of aura at high speed. Emitters are probably the least explored type and there is also the problem of being too similar to Enhancement.
Razor uses a ball of Nen as his weapon. Leorio has teleportation-like ability while Melody uses music and emission as her ability. Pokkle uses his aura along with arrows and shoots them.
- Melody
- Montreux
- Bloster
- Franklin
- Pirate Boxer
- Pokkle
- Knuckle
- Razor
- Leorio
- Shachmono Tocino
4. Transmutation

Hisoka’s Personality Analysis:
According to Hisoka, Transmuters are unpredictable, fickle, liars, deceptive persons. They often put a facade while hiding their true intentions.
Hisoka always acts with ulterior motives and is known to be a weirdo. Biscuit is another who fits this. Unlike other categories, almost all of the people here actually fit these character traits.
Water Divination Test:
Transmuters will change the taste of the water when they concentrate their aura near the water glass. . Killua changed the taste of the water to sweetness which only increased as he grew stronger.
Transmutation allows the user to change the property of their aura into another material. They seem similar to conjuration but the difference is that Transmuters don’t create objects rather change only the property of their aura.
Hisoka changes his aura into bungee gum which has both the properties of Rubber and gum. While Killua changes his aura into electricity which isn’t solid.
Machi changes his aura as a string that extends to a great length.
- Biscuit Krueger
- Sadaso
- Feitan
- Porcupine
- Silva Zoldyck
- Worm
- Hisoka Morow
- Killua Zoldyck
- Zeno Zoldyck
- Machi
5. Manipulation

Hisoka’s Personality Analysis:
According to Hisoka, Manipulators are argumentive and logical. Their powers usually involve manipulating people or objects. They tend to be similar to Transmuters in some way but the difference is that Manipulators don’t usually lie. It is interesting to note the Zoldycks fall in either Manipulation or Transmutation.
They also want to keep their families and loved ones safe as we can see from Illumi and Shaiapouf. Ikalgo, Shalnark, Illumi, etc all have abilities that involve manipulating others.
Water Divination Test:
Manipulators will move the leaf on the water surface of the glass when they concentrate their aura near the water glass. Zushi moved the leaf when he took the water divination.
Manipulation allows the user to control objects or living things. The manipulators are greatly feared as they can win a fight if they just meet their conditions. Depending on the aura, the manipulators’ degree of control varies.
Illumi uses needles to control others and use them for his needs. Shalnark inserts antenna in others and controls them like video games and he even has an autopilot mode which greatly enhances his physical ability.
- Milluki Zoldyck
- Morel
- Baise
- Boki
- Shaiapouf
- Ikalgo
- Illumi Zoldyck
- Shalnark
- Shoot
- Squala
- Kalluto Zoldyck
- Zazan
- Zushi
- Kikyo Zoldyck
- Leech
6. Specialization

Hisoka’s Personality Analysis:
According to Hisoka, Specialists are independent, charismatic, and individualistic. Due to their charisma, they tend to attract others even if they act independently. Specialists’ powers are very unique.
Notable specialists like Chrollo, Mereum, etc perfectly fit the above traits.
Water Divination Test:
Specialists will have a completely different change when they concentrate their aura near the water glass. Kurapika changed the color of the water and also made the leaf rotate.
Specialists’ are unique and their abilities don’t fall in the above categories. They are the vaguest as they cannot be defined based on the defined logic of aura. Specialists are the exact opposite of Enhancers in the Nen chart and accordingly, they are complex and unique compared to the simplistic Enhancement.
Neon has an ability to look into the future though she doesn’t even seem to have any knowledge of Nen itself. Chrollo can steal others’ abilities by having very hard conditions. Meleoron can make himself invisible when he holds his breath. Kurapika in his Emperor Time ability has access to all other Nen types but would lose his life span by one hour with each passing second.
- Chrollo Lucifer
- Hina
- Meleoron
- Mereum
- Neferpitou
- Neon Nostrade
- Kurapika
- Leol
- Pakunoda
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