List of All Chainsaw Man Devils
1. Angel Devil
Type: Devil

Angel devil is a devil that embodies the fear of Angel. He can absorb the life spans of humans just by touching them which makes his ability an overpowered one. He also can transform the life span taken into weapons with supernatural powers which Makima uses to manifest a spear from his halo. Aki loses two months of his lifespan just by grabbing Angel. Angel is said to be the second strongest devil hunter besides Kishibe.
2. Bat Devil
Type: Devil

Bat Devil is an embodiment of the fear of bats. It had the enhanced strength to destroy a house roof and had the power to blast air to demolish buildings. But Denji kills him pretty easily in his Chainsaw Man form so it isn’t a strong devil. In Part 2, it has respawned again on Earth.
3. Bucky/Chicken Devil
Type: Devil

Bucky Devil embodies the fear of Chicken. It didn’t have a head and is also very friendly to humans. Since people don’t fear chicken, it is one of the weakest Devils introduced. Unlike many devils, Bucky is fairly intelligent and also capable of speech.
4. Bomb Devil (Reze)
Type: Hybrid

Bomb devil embodies the fear of bombs. We see a hybrid version of the devil with Reze, not the real devil. Humans fear bombs and it is no surprise that even a hybrid form of Bomb devil is immensely powerful. Her power includes detonating her own skin into explosions. Even Denji in Chainsawman form couldn’t beat her. Beam also became afraid of her power and goes to save Denji immediately.
5. Blood Devil
Type: Fiend

Blood Devil is a devil that is an embodiment of the fear of blood. Blood devil took over a dead body of a girl and came to become a Fiend known as Power. Power said that the Blood devil was greatly feared but it is unclear if it is an exaggeration from Power. She can manipulate blood from her body to create weapons. She can manipulate others’ blood too through direct contact but also prevent others’ bleeding.
6. Chainsaw Devil (Pochita)
Type: Hybrid

Chainsaw Devil is a devil that embodies the fear of chainsaws and is currently in a hybrid state with Denji. Chainsaw Devil is an intriguing devil as we still don’t know the full info about its abilities and why it is in the physical world. Right from the start, a huge number of people were after Denji’s heart. Purely on combat, Chainsaw doesn’t seem impressive like other devils like Control, Darkness, etc but other factors allude to it being the strongest.
There are several proofs laid out in the series that suggest that Chainsaw Devil is the most dangerous of all. Chainsaw Devil is the only one that can erase Devils out of memory by eating them and making them incapable of reviving.
Angel devil informs that the last sound the devils hear in hell before reviving on earth is that of the sound of Chainsaw’s engine starting “Brroom”. This is the start of lore about Chainsaw we hear throughout the series.
7. Claw Devil
Type: Devil
Claw devil is a devil that embodies the fear of claws. Kishibe has a contract with it and it is implied to be really strong. Actual powers and appearance are unknown.
8. Cosmos Devil
Type: Fiend

Cosmo is a Fiend of Cosmos devil. I guess the devil is the embodiment of the fear of infinite knowledge that is available but isn’t confirmed. She can force the character to know everything in the universe. After this, the target can only think of “Halloween” till they die and render them in a semi-catatonic state. Her own personality is similar to this as she only says “Halloween”. I believe since people generally are afraid of the vastness of the universe, she is really powerful.
9. Crab Devil
Type: Fiend

This is the first Fiend we find in the series. Its mouth looked like a face of a crab so we can presume it was a Crab devil or something similar. Denji kills this Fiend pretty easily even without using his Chainsaw and thus it is safe to say it is one of the weakest devils.
10. Crossbow Devil/Quanxi
Type: Devil

Quanxi transforms into a hybrid of Crossbow Devil. She is a devil hunter from China that can transform into a Crossbow devil. She can shoot arrows from her bow-shaped forearm, and also is able to use it at close range to defeat several enemies quickly. Later Makima controls Quanxi and uses Crossbow Devil’s powers to fight Chainsaw Devil.
11. Curse Devil
Type: Devil

Curse Devil is a devil that embodies the fear of curses. It is quite powerful that Aki has to sacrifice several years of his life span as a contract to fight against Katana man. When manifested Curse devil will pick up the target with its hand and mortally wound them by biting their shoulders and crushing the arms.
12. Darkness Devil
Type: Devil

Darkness is one of the primal devils as it is based on Primal fear. Devils’ strength is based on how much it is feared and pretty much everyone fears darkness and it isn’t surprising that is one of the strongest devils in the series. One of Quanxi girls outright said that Primal devils are several times more strong than Gun devil and wanted to kill herself rather than face the Darkness devil. With no real effort, he kills Beam, Stone devil, and violence devil, and even manages to subdue Makima.
13. Doll Devil
Type: Devil

Curse Devil is a devil that embodies the fear of dolls. Its appearance is unknown as the only time we see it is when it takes over Tolk’s body. As per the contract, Santa Claus can create dolls out of people and make them obey his will. This is caused by touch and spreads through as dolls touch another person.
14. Dragon Devil/Long
Type: Fiend

Long is one of the girls from Quanxi’s group and is a Fiend. We don’t know a lot about her powers. She can breathe a large amount of fire from her mouth. We can assume she is a fiend of dragon devil.
15. Eternity Devil
Type: Devil

Eternity devil is a devil that embodies the fear of Eternity. It has space manipulating powers as it trapped a six-man team of Special Division 4 which included Denji in a building. Time also stops inside that space and it also can create a monstrous body inside of its stomach that exponentially increases in size and also kills anyone within it. To escape the trap, Eternity Devil demanded to feed Denji’s heart. Denji realized that Eternity Devil is afraid of his chainsaws and hence decides to fight it. After three days of nonstop fighting, Eternity Devil broke down from the torture and offers its core to get sliced.
16. Fish Devil
Type: Devil

Fish devil is an embodiment of the fear of Fishes. People don’t usually fear fishes and hence its devil equivalent shouldn’t be strong. Also, Himeno stated that the devil is a small-fry devil. It looked like Himeno and Aki defeated the devil with no real effort.
17. Flamethrower Devil
Type: Hybrid

Flame thrower devil is one of seven weapons devil that served under Four horseman devils. It is the embodiment of the fear of the Flame thrower weapon. Currently, it is a hybrid after merging with a human and it fought alongside other weapons devils against Chainsaw devil.
18. Fox Devil
Type: Devil

Fox devil is a devil that embodies the fear of foxes. Aki Hayakawa, Nomo, Nakamura, Hirokazu Arai, and several other Devil Hunters had contracts with Fox devil in various instances. Fox Devil may teleport from Kyoto to the location of devil hunters with whom it has a contract, enabling them to call upon fragments of its body to launch an attack against their target by uttering the word “Kon!” before dissipating into a cloud of smoke.
19. Future Devil
Type: Devil

Future devil is a devil that embodies the fear of the future. It can see the future as its ability and agreed to a contract with Aki Hayakawa after seeing his future.
20. Ghost Devil
Type: Devil

Ghost devil is a devil that embodies the fear of ghosts. Being the embodiment of ghosts, it is quite strong. It is intangible just like ghosts, and can only see through fear as it has no eyes. It can only be cut by special weapons as it is intangible and it also becomes invisible which Himeno uses as her right hand.
21. Grape Devil
Type: Devil

Grape devil is a devil that embodies the fear of grapes. Grape Devil is killed by Violence Devil easily. It doesn’t seem to be built strongly nor is huge in size. Also grape isn’t something that people are afraid of. From this limited info, we can presume that Grape devil is one of the weakest devils.
22. Gun Devil
Type: Devil/Fiend

Gun devil is a devil that embodies the fear of guns. Gun devil was built up as the end-game villain for half of the series. Thirteen years before the current storytime, Gun devil launched attacks in several parts of the world leading to the death of 1.2 million lives. Its impact on human society led to increases in fear of devils overall.
Gun devil is insanely quick as it can travel several countries in minutes. Devils which consume Gun devil’s flesh enhance in strength immensely. Gun devil has the highest killings in human society to our knowledge. But it is eventually killed by Makima and later becomes a fiend using Aki’s dead body. It is eventually killed by Denji.
23. Hell Devil
Type: Devil

Hell devil is a devil that embodies the fear of hell itself. From its name itself, Hell devil sounds extremely dangerous and powerful. I believe since most people don’t believe in Hell, it isn’t as powerful as the Darkness devil. Contract with the devil signifies how powerful they are.
Santa Claus sacrifices three children and one of her perfect dolls to use Hell devil’s power. The anti-Makima squad summons the Hell devil in its physical form in exchange for their lives. Denji manages to defeat the Hell devil pretty easily in his new chainsaw form though.
24. Justice Devil
Type: Devil

Justice devil is a devil that embodies the fear of justice. Since it was emphasized that people don’t care about justice these days, it isn’t strong. It has enhanced speed and strength.
25. Knife Devil
Type: Devil
Knife devil is a devil that embodies the fear of knives. Not a lot is known about this devil and the only info we know is that Kishibe made a contract with it for an unknown price.
26. Katana Devil
Type: Hybrid

Katana devil is a devil that embodies the fear of katanas and is currently in a hybrid form with a human. It can cut through walls and is also so quick that it seems that he can teleport. Using its speed, he cuts things without the opponent noticing. He even fought Denji and Aki and overpowered them.
27. Leech Devil
Type: Devil

Leech Devil is a devil that embodies the fear of leeches. Leech Devil is the secondary antagonist in the Bat Devil arc. Aki kills the Leech Devil with no effort using Kon in one second. Also, Denji who could only get a partial chainsaw in his head due to lack of blood could go toe to toe with her. Her tongue was able to pierce Denji’s Torso though.
28. Longsword Devil
Type: Hybrid
Longsword devil is one of seven weapons devil that served under Four horseman devils. It is the embodiment of the fear of Longsword. Currently, it is a hybrid after merging with a human and even fought alongside other weapons devils against Chainsaw devil.
29. Control Devil (Makima/Nayuta)
Type: Devil

Control devil is a devil that embodies the fear of control. Makima and later Nayuta are different versions of Control devils but we will talk discuss Makima primarily. The extent of her abilities is mostly unknown yet. Makima has the ability to control anyone who she thinks is inferior to her. She can use the abilities of other devils such as Angel Devil, Future Devil, Snake Devil, Punishment Devil, Zombie Devil, etc. Barring Chainsaw Devil and Darkness devil she probably can control every introduced character in the series.
The damage done to her is transferred to a random Japanese citizen as per her contract with the Japanese PM. While US president makes a contract with Gun devil to kill Makima in exchange for a one-year lifespan for every US citizen. She seems almost invincible and is one of the strongest devils we have seen in the series so far.
30. Mantis Devil
Type: Devil

Mantis devil is a devil that embodies the fear of the insect Mantis. We don’t know a lot about this devil. Two devil hunters managed to call a sickle of this devil to fight Power and Denji.
31. Mold Devil
Type: Devil
Mold devil is a devil that embodies the fear of molds. Not much is known about this devil but we know Kato and Tanabe made a contract with it.
32. Muscle Devil
Type: Devil

Muscle devil is a devil that embodies the fear of muscles. Muscle Devil can control any muscles that he touches but he is physically very weak. Though he can increase in size and strength, Denji manages to slaughter him with no effort and he wasn’t even tired after the battle.
33. Needle Devil
Type: Devil
Needle devil is a devil that embodies the fear of needles. Not much is known about this but we know that at some point Kishibe made a contract with the Needle Devil, for an unknown price.
34. Nuclear Weapons Devil
Type: Devil
Nuclear weapons devil is a devil that embodies the fear of nuclear weapons. It is presumably a very powerful devil that has been erased from history since Chainsaw devil ate it and hence it hasn’t been shown yet.
35. Octopus Devil
Type: Devil

Octopus devil is a devil that embodies the fear of octopuses. Hirofumi Yoshida has a contract with it and summons it to create a smokescreen of its ink.
36. Pig Devil
Type: Devil

Pig devil is a devil that embodies the fear of pigs. From its name itself, Pig devil doesn’t sound dangerous but some people are afraid of pigs. But Aki manages to slay it with no effort even though it is quite large in size. Nothing is currently known about the Pig Devil’s personality.
37. Pingsti

Pingsti is a fiend of an unknown devil. She is one of Quanxi’s group. She is quite cheerful and always tries to impress Quanxi. She has an ability to see what contracts others have as she used it to find devils Kishibe’s contracted.
38. Prinz/ Spider devil
Type: Devil

Spider devil is a devil that embodies the fear of spiders. It is also a Public Safety Devil Hunter from Tokyo Special Division 4. She can do what a spider cans do – walking on eight legs, walking upon walls. She also seems to have intangibility by which she can submerge under the ground and emerge to attack enemies.
39. Punishment Devil
Type: Devil

Punishment devil is a devil that embodies the fear of punishment. Not much is known about the Punishment devil’s abilities. But it is quite strong that Makima uses its ability as the primary weapon in her fight with the Gun devil. Humanity in general is afraid of punishment hence I think the punishment devil is stronger than other devils which are based on tangible items.
40. Sea Cucumber Devil
Type: Devil

Sea Cucumber is a devil that embodies the fear of sea cucumbers. Sea Cucumber devil seemingly gave trouble to a devil hunter who requested backup while engaging it. But Power killed it by smashing it with a hammer easily. This devil is strong for an average devil hunter but weak for stronger people. Also, Sea Cucumber isn’t feared much by the world so it probably isn’t that strong.
41. Shark Devil/ Beam
Type: Fiend
Shark Devil is a devil that embodies the fear of sharks and is currently a fiend known as Beam. He works as a Public Safety Devil Hunter from Tokyo Special Division 4. Beam can easily move through walls and floors thanks to his ability to swim through solid objects.
42. Skin Devil
Type: Devil
Skin devil is a devil that embodies the fear of skin. Not much is known about this but we know that at some point Joey, Aldo, and their unnamed brother made a contract with it. Upon touching a corpse, they can change their appearance to that of the corpse.
43. Snake Devil
Type: Devil

Snake devil is a devil that embodies the fear of snakes. Snake devil devours other devils with its mouth and expels them to fight at full health later. Akane Sawatari uses it by having a contract that has a price of four fingernails. She uses three techniques – “Devour it completely!“, “Release!“, and “Tail!“.
44. Spear Devil
Type: Devil

Spear devil is one of seven weapons devil that served under Four horseman devils. It is the embodiment of the fear of spears. Currently, it is a hybrid after merging with a human and even fought alongside other weapons devils against Chainsaw devil.
45. Stone Devil
Type: Devil

Stone devil is a devil that embodies the fear of stones. Kusakabe made a contract with the Stone Devil and he uses its ability to petrify other humans. But it was destroyed easily by Darkness devil.
46. Tomato Devil
Type: Devil

Tomato devil is a devil that embodies the fear of tomatoes. It is surprising that there is even a Tomato Devil considering Tomatoes aren’t something to be afraid of. But this devil is considerably larger in size with several hands and several eyes. Also, it can come back to life from its seeds. Pre-Chainsaw Man Denji manages to kill it with seemingly no injury to himself. This shows that the Tomato devil is one of the weakest devils in existence that we know.
47. Typhoon Devil
Type: Devil

Typhoon Devil is a devil that embodies the fear of typhoons. Typhoon Devil can create rainstorms which it used to trap Denji and Reze. But this devil seems to be afraid of Reze who is the bomb devil hybrid.
48. Tsugihagi
Type: Fiend

Tsugihagi is a fiend but its abilities are currently unknown. She barely talks and hence personality is also not known.
49. Violence Devil
Type: Fiend

Violence devil is a devil that embodies the fear of violence and is currently a fiend known as Galgali. He is a Public Safety Devil Hunter from Tokyo Special Division 4. Violence devil is quite strong for a fiend and he uses a mask to keep his strength in check. He can also shapeshift which he does against Reze. He is quite soft-spoken and respectful despite being the Violence fiend.
50. War Devil
Type: Fiend

War devil is a devil that embodies the fear of wars and is a member of four horsemen. It currently occupies Asa Mitaka’s body as a fiend. Just by touching, she can make weapons out of anything in her possession specifically humans and fiends. She has so far created weapons out of spinal cords and hands.
51. Whip Devil
Type: Hybrid

Whip devil is one of seven weapons devil that served under Four horseman devils. It is the embodiment of the fear of whips. Currently, it is a hybrid after merging with a human and even fought alongside other weapons devils against Chainsaw devil.
52. Zombie Devil
Type: Devil

Zombie devil is a devil that embodies the fear of zombies. It can turn humans into zombies. Debt collector’s Yakuza gang gets turned into zombies by Zombie devil and gets killed by Denji in his Chainsaw Man form. Then Zombie devil gets slaughtered by Denji in his Chainsaw Man form.
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